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Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Klausa Adverbia Menjadi Frasa Adverbia

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Sumber: www.Google.co.id/gambar/adverb clause

Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Klausa Adverbia Menjadi Frasa Adverbia

Klausa adverbia terdiri atas kata penghubung, yang disebut adverb-clause marker (juga disebut subordinate conjunction) dan sedikitnya satu subyek dan satu verba.

     The demand for economical cars increases when gasoline becomes more expensive.
     He went to bed because he was sleepy.

Dalam contoh ini, adverb-clause marker when menggabungkan klausa adverbia ke klausa utama. Klausa adverbia tersebut terdapat subyek (gasoline) dan verba (becomes).

Klausa adverbia dapat mendahului klausa utama atau mengikutinya. Ketika klausa adverbia datang duluan, ia dipisahkan dari klausa utama dengan koma.

     When gasoline becomes expensive, the demand for economical cars increases.
     Because he was sleepy, he went to bed.

Marker                 use                         Example
because                cause                      Because the speaker was sick, the program was canceled.
since                     cause                      Since Monday is a holiday, we don't have to go to work.
although                opposition               Although Mr. Crane earns a good salary, he never saves any money.
even though          opposition               Even though Rosa was tired, she stayed up late.
while                    contrast                   Some people arrived in taxis while others took the subway.
if                          condition                 If the automobile had not been invented, what would people use for
                                                           basic transportation.
unless = if ...not    negative                   I'll go swimming unless it's cold.
                            condition                 (I'll go swimming if it isn't cold.)
when                   time                         Our heart rate increases when you exercise.
while                   time                         Some people like to listen to music while they are studying.
as                        time                         One train was arriving as another was departing.
since                   time                         We haven't seen Professor Hill since she returned from her trip.
until                    time                          Don't put off going to the dentist until you have a problem.
once                   time                         Once the dean arrives, the meeting can begin.
before                 time                         Before he left the country, Richard bought some traveler's checks.
after                    time                         Emily will give a short speech after she receives the award.

Peringkasan Klausa Adverbia ke Frasa Adverbia yang Menerangkan

(a) Adverb clause     : While I was walking to class, I ran into an old friend.
(b) Modifying phrase: While walking to class, I ran into an old friend.
(c) Adverb clause     :  Before I left for work, I ate breakfast.
(d) Modifying phrase: Before leaving for work, I ate breakfast.

Beberapa klausa adverbia mungkin juga diubah ke frasa yang menerangkan:
- Jika ada bentuk verba be, hilangkan subyek klausa dependen dan verba be, seperti dalam (b).
- Jika tak ada bentuk verba be, hilangkan subyek dan ubahlah verbanya ke bentuk -ing, seperti dalam (d).

Klausa: While I was sitting in class, I fell asleep.
Frasa  : While sitting in class, I fell asleep.

Klausa: While Ann was sitting in class, she fell asleep.
Frasa  :  While sitting in class, Ann fell asleep.

Klausa adverbia dapat diubah ke frasa hanya ketika subyek klausa adverbia dan subyek klausa utama adalah sama. Frasa adverbia yang merupakan peringkasan dari klausa adverbia menerangkan subyek klausa utama. Klausa adverbia yang diringkas tidak mengandung verba dan subyek. Klausa ini terdiri dari penanda dan present ataupun past participle. Jika verba dalam klausa adverbia yang lengkap adalah aktif, present participle digunakan. Jika verba dalam klausa adverbia yang lengkap adalah pasif, past participle digunakan.

     When astronauts are orbiting the earth, they don't feel the force of gravity.
     (full adverb clause with an active verb)
     When orbiting the earth, astronauts don't feel the force of gravity.
     (reduced clause with a present participle)

     Although it had been damaged, the machine was still operational.
     (full adverb clause with a passive verb)
     Although damaged, the machine was still operational.
     (reduced clause with a past participle)

     Since Maria came to this country, she has made many friends.
     (full adverb clause with an active verb)
     Since coming to this country, Maria has made many friends.
     (reduced clause with a present participle)

(a) Klausa: After he (had) finished his homework, Budi went to bed.
(b) Frasa  : After finishing his homework, Budi went to bed.
(c) Frasa  : After having finished his homework, Budi went to bed.

Tidak ada perbedaan dalam arti antara After he finished dan After he had finished.
Dalam (b) dan (c): Tidak ada perbedaan dalam arti antara After finishing dan After having finished.

Anda akan paling sering menjumpai klausa adverbia yang diringkas dengan penanda although, while, if, when, before, after, dan until. Klausa adverbia yang diringkas tidak pernah digunakan setelah because.

Jangan gunakan because dalam ungkapan reason . . . because . . . Gunakanlah reason . . . that.

     INCORRECT: The reason Laura moved to Arizona is because she enjoys a warm, dry climate.
     CORRECT    : The reason Laura moved to Arizona is that she enjoys a warm, dry climate.

Kadang-kadang while dihilangkan, tetapi frasa -ing di awal kalimat memberikan makna yang sama ("during the same time"). Perhatikan contoh berikut, ketiganya memiliki makna yang sama.

     While I was walking down the street, I ran into an old friend.
     While walking down the street, I ran into an old friend.
     Walking down the street, I ran into an old friend.

Bentuk be dalam klausa adverbia mungkin diubah ke being. Penggunaan being membuat hubungan sebab dan akibat jelas. Perhatikan contoh berikut; ketiganya memiliki makna yang sama.

     Because  she was unable to afford a car, she bought a bicycle.
     Being unable to afford a car, she bought a bicycle.
     Unable to afford a car, she bought a bicycle.

Sebuah video diharapkan bisa memperjelas materi tulisan ini. Semoga!

Ada preposisi tertentu yang memiliki arti yang sama sebagai penanda klausa adverbia tetapi digunakan dengan frasa nomina atau pronomina, tidak dengan klausa.

Preposition               Related Marker        Example
because of                because/since             Roberto chose that university because of its fine reputation.
due to                       because/since             The accident was due to mechanical failure.
on account of            because/since             Visibility is poor today on account of air pollution.
in spite of                 although/even though   He enjoys racing motorcycle in spite of the danger.
despite                     although/even though   Despite its loss, the team is still in first place.

Because memperkenalkan klausa adverbia; ia diikuti oleh subyek dan predikat. Perhatikan contoh berikut:
     Because the weather was cold, we stayed home.

Because of dan due to adalah preposisi yang berbentuk frasa; keduanya diikuti oleh obyek nomina. Lebih jelasnya perhatikan contoh berikut:
      Because of the cold weather, we stayed home.
      Due to the cold weather, we stayed home.

Kadang-kadang (biasanya dalam tulisan yang lebih formal) due to diikuti oleh klausa nomina yang diperkenalkan dengan the fact that.

     Due to the fact that the weather was cold, we stayed home.

Seperti klausa adverbia, frasa ini dapat juga diikuti klausa utama, seperti di bawah ini.
     We stayed home because of the cold weather.
     We stayed home due to the cold weather.
     We stayed home due to the fact that the weather was cold.

Sebuah ungkapan dapat disampaikan dalam berbagai cara dengan makna yang tetap sama.

Adverb Clauses:
Because it was hot, we went swimming.
We went swimming because it was hot.

Because of the hot weather, we went swimming.
We went swimming because of the hot weather.

It was hot. Therefore, we went swimming.
It was hot. We, therefore, went swimming.
It was hot. We went swimming, therefore.

Semocolon (;) mungkin digunakan untuk mengganti titik antara dua klausa independen.

     It was hot; therefore, we went swimming.
     It was hot; we, therefore, went swimming.
     It was hot; we went swimming, therefore.

It was hot, so we went swimming.

Perhatikan bahwa huruf kecil, tidak huruf kapital, segera mengikuti semicolon.

Semoga video berikut ini bisa melengkapi materi tulisan ini. Semoga saja.

Nah, sampailah di penghujung belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan pokok bahasan klausa adverbia. Ternyata klausa adverbia dapat diubah ke bentuk frasa asalkan subyek klausa adverbia dan subyek klausa utama sama. 

Belajar Bahasa Inggris online yang terpercaya dan teruji. Ulasan grammar Bahasa Inggris yang lengkap, mendalam, dan lugas. Artikel Bahasa Inggris yang enak dibaca dan perlu. Tetap semangat! Keep moving on!

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