Selasa, 30 Maret 2021

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Mengenal Jenis Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

Workshop for English


bahasa inggris, belajar bahasa inggris, kalimat bahasa inggris


Semenjak Anda mulai belajar kelas kata di bagian sebelumnya, Anda telah menambah pengetetahuan tentang cara kata berfungsi secara individu dan dalam grup. Anda telah belajar menganalisis kalimat dan menerangkan bagaimana komponen mereka bekerja bersama. Mulai dengan kata dan berproses melalui frasa ke klausa, hubungan komponen telah berkembang lebih dan lebih kompleks.

Mampu menganalisis komponen dalam sebuah kalimat memungkinkan membuat Anda seorang penulis yang lebih baik. Ketika Anda memahami bagaimana kalimat bekerja, Anda memiliki kontrol yang lebih baik atas kalimat yang Anda tulis. Ketika sesuatu terjadi kekeliruan, Anda dapat memikirkan mengapa. Ketika Anda ingin mencapai efek tertentu, Anda dapat memisahkan struktur kalimat dan meletakkan mereka kembali bersama dalam cara yang baru, yang direncanakan.

Misalnya, jika sebuah paragraf Anda telah tulis terdengar monoton karena semua kalimat tampak sama, Anda mungkin telah menggunakan hanya satu atau dua pola kalimat. Pengetahuan Anda tentang pola kalimat, klausa, dan frasa akan memungkinkan Anda untuk memvariasi kalimat-kalimat itu, menciptakan paragraf jauh lebih menyenangkan.

Kini kita siap untuk menguji kategori yang paling luas dalam analisis kelompok kata kita: jenis kalimat. Agar menjadi pengguna bahasa yang terampil, pebelajar bahasa (Inggris) harus menjadi cakap menggunakan bagian-bagian kecil bahasa. Dan bagian-bagian kecil bahasa bukan, seperti pernah secara umum duga, kata, tetapi kalimat.

Bicara mengenai kalimat, kita sebagai pebelajar Bahasa Inggris tidak bisa terhindar dari klasifikasinya. Kalimat secara umum diklasifikasikan dalam dua cara, satu berdasarkan jumlah klausa (independen dan/atau dependen) yang dikandung oleh sebuah kalimat. Dan yang satunya berdasarkan maksud atau tujuan. Klasifikasi kalimat berdasarkan jumlah klausa akan dibahas setelah pembahasan klasifikasi kalimat berdasarkan maksud atau tujuan.

Kalimat adalah hanya sekelompok kata yang dapat berdiri sendiri untuk mengungkapkan pikiran yang lengkap. Gagasan kunci di sini adalah berdiri sendiri. Kalimat tidak bergantung pada beberapa konteks atau pertanyaan yang mendahului untuk mengisi potongan yang hilang dan penting secara gramatika. Contohnya, berikut adalah sebuah kalimat karena ia dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai unit lengkap secara gramatika.

      I would like a pizza with anchovies and pineapple.

Kita harus hati-hati membedakan kalimat dari fragmen, yang hanya bagian dari kalimat. Masalahnya adalah, dalam konteks, fragmen dapat selengkapnya bermakna dan gramatikal. Bagaimanapun, kebermanfaatan dan kegramatikalannya bukan miliknya sendiri. Hal ini dipinjam dari kalimat lain. Berikut contoh fragmen dalam suatu dialog: 

            Waiter              : What would you like?

            Customer        : A pizza with anchovies and pineapple.

Apa yang customer katakan adalah sebuah fragmen. Fragmen masuk akal hanya dalam konteks dialog. Fragmen adalah sepotong ujaran/tulisan cepat yang meminjam sisa dari makna dan tata bahasanya dari pertanyaan waiter. Apa yang customer sebenarnya katakan adalah ini: 

            [I would like] a pizza with anchovies and pineapple.

Kalimat tidak pernah perlu meminjam dari kalimat sekitarnya supaya secara gramatika lengkap. Kalimat juga memiliki struktur yang berbeda: kalimat mengandung keduanya subyek frasa nomina dan frasa verba (atau predikat, dalam istilah tradisional). Dalam kalimat contoh yang baru saja diberikan, ada subyek frasa nomina (NP) dan frasa verba

             subyek frasa nomina     frasa verba        

            I would like a pizza with anchovies and pineapple.

Fragmen a pizza with anchovies and pineapple tidak memiliki keduanya subyek dan frasa verba yang lengkap. Berikut klasifikasi kalimat berdasarkan maksud.


bahasa inggris, belakar bahasa inggris, kalimat berita, kalimat tanya, kalimat perintah, kalimat seru



Kalimat digunakan dalam empat cara yang berbeda. Hingga pembahasan ini, kita hanya melihat kalimat digunakan untuk membuat pernyataan. Tetapi ada cara lain untuk menggunakan kalimat. Contohnya, menanyakan pertanyaan, mengungkapkan perintah, atau membuat seruan.

Kalimat Berita (Declarative Sentence/Statement). Kalimat berita digunakan untuk membuat pernyataan. Kalimat berita selalu ditandai dengan tanda baca titik. Berikut beberapa contoh dengan susunan subyek dan predikat dengan normal (S-V):

            The child ate his dinner.

            This is a declarative sentence.

            Declarative sentences can be positive or negative.

Even if they contain dependent clauses, declarative sentences are always punctuated with a period.


Kalimat Tanya (Interrogative Sentence/Question). Berikut beberapa contohnya:


Did the child eat his dinner?

            Do you know what an interrogative sentence is?

            No, what are they?

            Why did you ask?

Kalimat tanya digunakan untuk menanyakan pertanyaan. Kalimat tanya harus ditandai dengan tanda tanya [?]. Dalam kalimat tanya subyek dan kata bantu (auxiliarity) sering dibalik susunannya.


Kalimat Perintah (Imperative Sentence/Command, Request).  Kalimat perintah digunakan untuk mengungkapkan perintah. Dalam kalimat perintah, hanya predikat diungkapkan. Bentuk kata kerja simple/sederhana digunakan, tak mempedulikan orang atau tenses. Kalimat perintah tidak didefinisikan oleh tanda bacanya tetapi oleh tata bahasanya. Kalimat perintah harus memiliki you yang dipahami sebagai subyek. Kalimat perintah mungkin ditandai dengan salah satu, titik atau tanda perintah [!] dalam tulisan. Berikut beberapa contohnya:


Go away.

            Cut it out!

            Stop it.

Masing-masing dari contoh ini memiliki you yang tersirat sebagai subyek:

       You go away.

       You cut it out!

       You stop it.


Kalimat Seru (Exclamatory Sentence). Kalimat seru sebenarnya kalimat berita yang ditandai dengan tanda seru demi penekanan. Berikut beberapa contohnya:


I can’t believe I ate the whole thing!

            This is really an exclamation sentence!

            Sally has no cavities!


bahasa inggris, belajar bahasa inggris, kalimat sederhana, kalimat majemuk, kalimat kompleks, kalimat majemuk kompleks




Jumlah klausa independen atau dependen dalam sebuah kalimat menentukan klasifikasinya: sederhana (simple), majemuk (compound), kompleks (complex), dan majemuk-kompleks (compound-complex).


Untuk mendasari pemahaman tentang klasifikasi kalimat berdasarkan jumlah klausa, kita terlebih dahulu harus memahami jenis klausa: independen dan dependen.


Klausa Independen. Klausa independen mengandung sebuah subyek dan verba dan mengungkapkan pikiran yang lengkap. Ia dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai sebuah kalimat dengan sendirinya. Klausa independen dibentuk dengan

subject + verb (+ complement)


Students normally spend four years in college.

I will declare my major now, but I may change it later.

Many international students experience culture shock when they come to the United States.


Klausa Dependen. Klausa dependen mulai dengan subordinator seperti when, while, if, that, atau who. Klausa dependen tidak mengungkapkan pikiran yang lengkap dan tidak dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai sebuah kalimat dengan sendirinya. Klausa dependen terdiri dari tiga macam: adverbia, adjektiva, atau nomina dan dibentuk dengan

subordinator + subject + verb (+ complement)        


. . . although students normally spend four years in college . . .

. . . if I declare my major now . . .

. . . when they come to the United States . . .

. . . who was accepted at Harvard University . . .

. . . that the experiment was a success . . .


Gramatika tradisional memiliki terminologi khusus untuk menerangkan struktur klausa kalimat. Jika sebuah kalimat terdiri dari klausa independen tunggal tanpa klausa dependen, ini disebut kalimat sederhana (simple). Jika sebuah kalimat mengandung dua atau lebih klausa independen tetapi tanpa klausa dependen, ini disebut kalimat majemuk (compound). Jika sebuah kalimat mengandung klausa independen tunggal dan satu atau lebih klausa dependen, ini dinamakan kalimat kompleks (complex). Jika sebuah kalimat mengandung dua atau lebih klausa independen dan sedikitnya satu klausa dependen, ini disebut kalimat majemuk-kompleks (compound-complex). Konfigurasi berikut mungkin dapat membantu pebelajar Bahasa Inggris:


     simple sentence                       = independent clause

     compound sentence                 = independent clause + independent clause

     complex sentence                    = independent clause + dependent clause (s)

     compound-complex sentence = independent clause + independent clause + dependent clause

Pebelajar Bahasa Inggris, coba perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut ini:

Functionally, adding a verb to a noun is enough to complete a sentence.”

     Simple sentence: The wind blew. (klausa independen)

Perhatikan bahwa sebuah kalimat tetap sebuah kalimat sederhana (simple) meskipun subyeknya, verbanya, atau keduanya dimajemukkan.

     The cat and the dog fought.

     The dog barked and growled.

     The cat and the dog snarled and fought.

                                   independent clause 1     independent clause 2

Compound sentence: The wind blew  and  the leaves fell.

                                  dependent clause         independent clause

Complex sentence: When the wind blew, the leaves fell.

                                                  dependent clause        independent clause     independent clause

Compound-compl sentence: When the sky darkened, the wind blew and the leaves fell.


Kalimat Sederhana. Sebuah kalimat terdiri dari klausa independen tunggal tanpa klausa dependen, ini disebut kalimat sederhana.


I enjoy playing tennis with my friends every weekend.

            I enjoy playing tennis and look forward to it every weekend.

My friends and I play tennis and go bowling every weekend.


Perhatikan bahwa kalimat kedua memiliki dua verba, enjoy dan look forward to. Ini disebut verba majemuk. Karena hanya ada satu klausa, ini adalah kalimat sederhana. Kalimat ketiga mempunyai subyek majemuk juga verba majemuk, tetapi ini masih merupakan kalimat sederhana karena ia hanya memiliki satu klausa.


Kalimat Majemuk. Kalimat majemuk adalah dua atau lebih klausa independen yang digabung menjadi satu. Ada tiga cara untuk menggabung klausa-klausa ini:

1. Dengan Coordinator (FAN BOYS)

            I enjoy tennis, but I hate golf.

2. Dengan Conjunctive Adverb

            I enjoy tennis; however, I hate golf.

3. Dengan Semicolon (;)

            I enjoy tennis; I hate golf.


Kalimat Kompleks. Kalimat kompleks berisi satu klausa independen dan satu (atau lebih) klausa dependen. Ide yang lebih penting ditempatkan dalam klausa independen, dan ide yang kurang penting ditempatkan dalam klausa dependen.


Dengan Klausa Adverbia. Klausa adverbia dependen mulai dengan subordinator seperti: when, while, because, although, if, so that, dsb.


            Because grammar is easy, I learned it quickly.

            I learned grammar quickly because it is easy.


Dengan Klausa Adjektiva. Klausa adjektiva (relatif) dependen mulai dengan pronomina relatif seperti who, whom, which, whose, atau that, atau dengan adverbia relatif seperti where atau when.


Men who are not married are called bachelors.

Last year we vacationed on the Red Sea, which features excellent scuba diving.


Dengan Klausa Nomina. Klausa nomina dependen berfungsi sebagai nomina dan mulai dengan wh-question word, that, whether, atau kadang-kadang if. Klausa nomina dependen dapat berupa baik sebagai subyek atau sebagai obyek. Di sini tidak diperlukan koma.


That there is a hole in the ozone layer of the earth's atmosphere is well known. [subyek]

Scientists believe that excess chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere are responsible for creating it. [obyek]


Kalimat Majemuk-Kompleks. Kalimat majemuk kompleks adalah kombinasi dari dua atau lebih klausa independen dan satu (atau lebih) klausa dependen.


dependent clause                     independent clause            independent clause

Because grammar is easy, I learned it quickly, but it took me several years to master writing.


 independent clause           dependen clause                                                               independent clause

I wanted to travel after I graduated from college; however, I had to go to work immediately.


Kalimat dengan Frasa Partisipial

Restrictive        Students arriving late will not be permitted to enter the lecture hall.

Nonrestrictive  Henry, arriving late, was not permitted to enter the lecture hall.

[arriving late does not limit the reference of Henry]

Jadi sebagian besar frasa partisipial mempunyai fungsi kata sifat, seperti adjective clause mungkin jenisnya restrictive (sangat diperlukan) atau nonrestrictive (sebagai tambahan).

Frasa partisipial sering menyediakan cara alternatif untuk mengekspresikan informasi atau gagasan-gagasan yang dapat diungkapkan dalam kalimat atau anak kalimat (dependent clause). Simak contoh berikut ini:

Bentuk kalimat:

Writing is a slow process. It requires considerable thought and time.

Klausa Dependen:

Writing is a slow process, which requires considerable thought and time.

Frasa partisipial:

Writing is a slow process, requiring considerable thought and time.

By providing an alternate construction for an adjective clause, the participial phrase enables a speaker or writer to avoid succession of adjective clauses” (Marcella Frank, 1972:312).

 Contohnya sebagai berikut:

            He showed me a book describing (for‘which described’)

children’s literature which he had taken from the library.

Kalimat lengkapnya sebetulnya seperti ini:

“He showed me a book which described children’s literature which he had taken from the library.”


Jenis kalimat ini adalah kalimat kompleks yang terdiri dari:

Satu klausa independen:

“He showed me a book.”

Dua klausa dependen:

“which described children’s literature”

“which he had taken from the library”


Jika kalimat tersebut dibagi ke dalam klausa

dan frasa, jadinya sebagai berikut:

“He showed me a book” = klausa independen

”which he had taken from the library” = klausa dependen

“describing children’s literature” = frasa partisipial

Frasa ini hasil dari peringkasan klausa relatif “which described children’s literature”


Frasa partisipial “describing children’s literature” dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut:

Present participle “describing” menerangkan frasa nomina “a book” dan “a book” sebagai antesedennya “describing children’s literature.”

“children’s literature” sebagai obyek langsung dari present participle “describing.”


Kalimat kompleks tersebut sebetulnya terdiri dari tiga kalimat (3 klausa independen):

1). He showed me a book.

2). A book described children’s literature.

       --> which described children’s literature

       --> describing children’s literature

3). He had taken a book from the library.

       --> which he had taken from the library


Tiga kalimat tersebut dijadikan satu menjadi kalimat kompleks:

“He showed me a book which described children’s literature which he had taken from the library.” [which yang pertama sebagai pronomina relatif pola subyek dan which yang kedua sebagai pronomina relatif pola obyek]


Selanjutnya klausa relatif “which described children’s literature” mengalami peringkasan menjadi frasa partisipial “describing children’s literature.”


Dan terakhir kali akan menjadi:

“He showed me a book describing children’s literature which he had taken from the library.”

Ditambahkan oleh Marcella Frank: “Normally, the participial phrase precedes the adjective clause, as in the example just given.” Jadi normalnya, frasa partisipial mendahului klausa adjektiva, sebagaimana contoh di atas.


Bagian Latihan

Latihan 1

PRACTICE: Complex Sentences


STEP 1: Underline the independent clause of each sentence with a solid line.

STEP 2: Underline the dependent clause with a broken line.

STEP 3: Write SUB above the subordinator.



Because the cost of education is rising, many students must work part-time.

  1. When students from other countries come to the United States, they often suffer from culture shock.
  2. Because the cost of education has risen, many students are having financial problems.
  3. Please tell me where the student union is.
  4. Engineers, who have an aptitude for drafting and mechanics, must also be artistic and imaginative.
  5. While the contractor follows the blueprint, the engineer checks the construction in progress. 
  6. Since the blueprint presents the detail of the engineer's plans, it must be interpreted accurately by the constructor.
  7. Students should declare a major by their junior year unless they have not made up their minds.
  8. Even though students declare a major now, they can change it later.
  9. Last year, the government reported that drug use is increasing.
  10. Doctors are concerned about drug use by young people, who think that smoking marijuana is risk-free.


Latihan 2

In the following sentences, underline each main clause once and each subordinate clause twice, and then indicate whether the sentence is simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex. Revise the simple sentences and the compound sentences, adding the necessary clauses to make them complex or compound-complex.

Dalam kalimat berikut, garisbawahi masing-masing klausa utama sekali dan masing-masing klausa subordinat dua kali, dan kemudian tandai apakah kalimat tersebut simpel, majemuk, kompleks, atau majemuk-kompleks. Revisi kalimat sederhana dan kalimat majemuk, tambahkan klausa yang diperlukan untuk membuat mereka kompleks atau majemuk-kompleks.

1.      When you buy a home computer, maintenance often becomes your biggest worry.

2.      The biggest single cause of error in computers is plain old dirt.

3.      Disks must be kept clean, since even a fingerprint can cause an error.

4.      Heads in the drive system must be cleaned every ten hours, or an error is sure to occur.

5.      To keep the computer cool enough to work reliably, the workroom temperature should be under 80 degrees.

6.      Computer-controlled printers need periodic vacuuming, but you should never make the mistake of oiling their parts.

7.      Modern printers have sealed bearings, so they need no external lubrication, which should only collect dust .

8.      Home computers do not need filtered air, yet you should avoid smoke or other pollutants in the workroom.

9.      Voltage surges and voltage interruptions also often cause errors.

10.  Static electricity from carpets or dry air in the workroom can also introduce errors.


Latihan 3

Using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, combine the following sets of simple sentences in two ways. First, combine each set into a single compound sentence. Second, combine each set into a single complex or compound-complex sentence, changing wording and compounding and subordinating sentence parts as necessary.

Menggunakan konjungsi koordinasi dan subordinasi, gabung seperangkat kalimat sederhana berikut dalam dua cara. Pertama, gabung tiap perangkat ke dalam kalimat majemuk tunggal. Kedua, gabung tiap perangkat ke dalam kalimat kompleks tunggal atau majemuk-kompleks, ubah bagian kalimat yang menggabung selagi perlu.

1.      Much office work is routine. It can also be monotonous.

2.      Searching through lists of numbers may be necessary work. Such a task challenges no one’s intellect.

3.      Computers can take on many routine office tasks. They can remove the drudgery. Computers free people to spend time on more creative things.

4.      Once secretaries typed form letters individually. Now a computer-controlled printer can spit out form letters. The computer puts a different name and address on each one. Each looks hand-typed.

5.      Office workers have more time to solve problems. They have more time to make decisions. They spend less time on busy work. Busy work requires little thought. They let the computer handle the busy work.

Kunci Jawaban

Latihan 1

Yang dicetak tebal menunjukkan SUBORDINATOR

1.      When students from other countries come to the United States, they often suffer from culture shock.

2.      Because the cost of education has risen, many students are having financial problems.

  1. Please tell me where the student union is.
  2. Engineers, who have an aptitude for drafting and mechanics, must also be artistic and imaginative.
  3. While the contractor follows the blueprint, the engineer checks the construction in progress.
  4. Since the blueprint presents the detail of the engineer's plans, it must be interpreted accurately by the constructor.
  5. Students should declare a major by their junior year unless they have not made up their minds.
  6. Even though students declare a major now, they can change it later.
  7. Last year, the government reported that drug use is increasing.
  8. Doctors are concerned about drug use by young people, who think that smoking marijuana is risk-free.


Latihan 2


1.       When you buy a home computer, maintenance often becomes your biggest worry. (complex)

2.      The biggest single cause of error in computers is plain old dirt. (simple)

3.      Disks must be kept clean, since even a fingerprint can cause an error. (complex)

4.      Heads in the drive system must be cleaned every ten hours, or an error is sure to occur. (compound)

5.      To keep the computer cool enough to work reliably, the workroom temperature should be under 80 degrees. (simple)

6.      Computer-controlled printers need periodic vacuuming, but you should never make the mistake of oiling their parts. (compound)

7.      Modern printers have sealed bearings, so they need no external lubrication, which should only collect dust. (compound-complex)

8.      Home computers do not need filtered air, yet you should avoid smoke or other pollutants in the workroom.

9.      Voltage surges and voltage interruptions also often cause errors. (simple)

10.  Static electricity from carpets or dry air in the workroom can also introduce errors. (simple)



Latihan 3

Jawaban siswa untuk kalimat ini akan bervariasi, tetapi contoh berikut bisa mewakili.

1.      Much office work is routine, and it can also be monotonous. (compound)

Since much office work is routine, it can also be monotonous. (complex)

2.      Searching through lists of numbers may be necessary work, but such a task challenges no one’s intellect. (compound)

Although searching through lists of numbers may be necessary work, such a task challenges no one’s intellect. (complex)

3.      Computers can take on many routine office tasks, for they can remove the drudgery and free people to spend time on more creative things. (compound)

Because computers can take on many routine office tasks, they can remove the drudgery and free people to spend time on more creative things. (complex)

4.      Once secretaries typed form letters individually, but now a computer-controlled printer can spit out form letters, puts a different name and address on each one, and makes each look hand-typed. (compound)

Once secretaries typed form letters individually, but now a computer-controlled printer, which can spit out form letters, puts a different name and address on each one, and makes each look hand-typed. (complex)

5.      Office workers have more time to solve problems and to make decisions, for they spend less time on busy work requiring little thought, letting the computer handle the busy work. (compound)

Because they let the computer handle the busy work, office workers have more time to solve problems and to make decisions, for they spend less time on busy work requiring little thought. (compound-complex)

Catatan untuk nomor 5

Menggunakan frasa partisipial:

“… on busy work which requires little thought” diringkas menjadi “… on busy work requiring little thought” dan requiring little thought menerangkan nomina work.

who let the computer handle the busy work” diringkas menjadi “letting the computer handle the busy work” dan letting the computer handle the busy work menerangkan nomina workers.

Silahkan mampir ke Toko Online untuk melihat-lihat koleksi buku.

Happy reading!


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Senin, 08 Maret 2021

Published 17.56 by with 0 comment

Mengenal Klausa Bahasa Inggris

Workshop for English 


bahasa inggris, belajar bahasa inggris, belajar klausa bahasa inggris, klausa independen bahasa inggris, klausa dependen bahasa inggris


Klausa dapat berupa salah satu dari dua jenis struktur:

1.     Klausa independen (atau klausa utama), yang dapat berdiri sendiri.

2.    Klausa dependen (atau klausa subordinasi/anak kalimat), klausa yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri dan harus ditempelkan atau dimasukkan dalam klausa independen.

Sebuah kalimat harus mengandung sedikitnya satu klausa independen, tetapi, sebagai tambahan, sebuah kalimat mungkin juga mengandung satu atau lebih klausa dependen. Kita dapat memikirkan sebuah kalimat memiliki formula ini:

            sentence = independent clause + (dependent clauses)

            kalimat   = klausa independen + (bisa lebih dari satu klausa dependen)

Kurung sekitar klausa dependen menunjukkan bahwa klausa dependen merupakan pilihan.

Berikut contoh kalimat yang mengandung klausa dependen (dicetak miring) menerangkan klausa independen:

Ø  Louise takes her lunch whenever she has to attend a noon presentation.

Klausa whenever she has to attend a noon presentation adalah klausa adverbia yang menerangkan verba takes.

Klausa independen dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai sebuah kalimat yang lengkap, tetapi klausa dependen tidak bisa:

            Klausa independen:     Louise takes her lunch.

            Klausa dependen:    X  whenever she has to attend a noon presentation

Perlu diketahui bahwa klausa dependen, contohnya, whenever she has to attend a noon presentation pada umumnya disebut fragmen. Jadi semua klausa dependen dapat dikategorikan sebagai fragmen.

Meski pun perbedaan dalam kemampuannya untuk berdiri sendiri, klausa (keduanya independen dan dependen) dipisahkan dari semua struktur gramatika yang lain dengan satu karakteristik kunci: klausa harus memiliki kesesuaian subyek-verba. Berikut adalah subyek (dicetak tebal) dan verba (dicetak miring) dari contoh terdahulu:

            Klausa independen:     Louise takes her lunch.

            Klausa dependen:    X  whenever she has to attend a noon presentation

Dalam klausa independen, verba takes berkesesuaian dengan subyeknya Louise, dan dalam klausa dependen, verba has berkesesuaian dengan sebyeknya she.

Klausa adalah sekelompok kata yang berisikan subyek dan predikat. Hubungan klausa dengan sisa kalimat ditunjukkan dengan posisi klausa atau dengan konjungsi. Ada dua jenis klausa: (1) klausa utama, atau independen dan (2) klausa subordinasi, atau dependen.


klausa independen bahasa inggris, klausa subordinasi bahasa inggris, klausa adjektiva, klausa adverbia, klausa nomina



Klausa independen, sering disebut klausa utama, memiliki keduanya subyek dan verba. Ia membuat pernyataan yang lengkap, independen, dan ia tidak diperkenalkan oleh kata subordinasi.

Sebuah kalimat mungkin memiliki satu klausa utama, atau ia mungkin memiliki beberapa. Ketika dua atau lebih klausa utama hadir dalam sebuah kalimat, mereka biasanya digabung dengan konjungsi koordinasi. Konjungsi koordinasi yang paling umum adalah for, and, nor, but, or, yet, dan so atau sering disingkat FAN BOYS Conjunctions. Biasanya, sebuah koma digunakan sebelum konjungsi koordinasi yang menggabung klausa independen.

            My Danish mother is a fantastic cook, and she is proud of it.

            She prepared delicious meals, yet she makes it look easy.

Conjunctive adverbs adalah kelompok kata yang lain yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan klausa independen. Ketika sebuah conjunctive adverb digunakan antara klausa independen, ia didahului oleh semicolon (;) dan diikuti oleh sebuah koma. Conjunctive adverb yang penting adalah ini:

            accordingly      consequently               hence               moreover         then

            also                  else                              however           nevertheless     therefore

            besides             furthermore                 likewise           otherwise         thus

Kalimat berikut menggunakan conjunctive adverb antara klausa independen:

            The Danes love Danish bacon; however, they cannot buy it in Denmark.

Danish bacon is exported only; consequently, Danes buy it abroad when they travel and bring it home.

Coordinating conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions connect grammatically equal elements. Coordinating conjunctions are sometimes called the “Fan Boys” conjunctions—For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So. So, you can remember the seven coordinators by the phrase FAN BOYS.






Connects a reason to a result

I am a little hungry, for I didn’t eat breakfast this morning.


Connects equal similar ideas

John likes to fish and hunt.


Connects two negative sentences

She does not eat meat, nor does she drink milk.


Connects equal different ideas

I like to eat fish but not to catch them.


Connects two equal choices

Do you prefer coffee or tea?


Connects equal contrasting ideas

It is sunny yet cold.


Connects a result to a reason

I did not eat breakfast this morning, so I am a little hungry.

Conjunctive Adverbs

Conjunctive adverbs can appear at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of one independent clause, but we often use them to connect two independent clauses. Remember to put a semicolon before and a comma after the conjunctive adverb if an independent clause follows.   

Besides you can use a coordinating conjunction; instead, you can use a conjunctive adverb.

















   in addition

Community colleges offer preparation for many occupations and they prepare students to transfer to a four year college or university.


Community colleges offer preparation for many occupations; besides/ furthermore/ moreover/ also/ in addition, they prepare students to transfer to a four year college or university.














Many community colleges do not have dormitory, but/yet they provide housing referral services.


Many community colleges do not have dormitory; however/nevertheless/nonetheless, they provide housing referral services.









Students must take final exams or they will receive a grade of incomplete.


Students must take final exams; otherwise, they will receive a grade of incomplete.















Native and nonnative English speakers have different needs, so most schools provide separate English classes for each group.


Native and nonnative English speakers have different needs; accordingly/consequently/hence/therefore/ thus, most schools provide separate English classes for each group.




Klausa dependen, seperti klausa independen, memiliki keduanya subyek dan verba. Namun, ia berfungsi sebagai adjektiva, adverbia, atau nomina dan karenanya tidak dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai sebuah kalimat yang lengkap. Kapan saja sekelompok kata mengandung klausa subordinat, grup ini harus juga mengandung klausa independen agar berkualitas sebagai sebuah kalimat.

            When I arrved [Klausa subordinat bukanlah kalimat; maknanya tidak lengkap.]

            When I arrived in Denmark, my mother asked if I had brought home any bacon.

[Klausa subordinat digabung ke klausa independen yang melengkapi maknanya; konstruksi ini adalah sebuah kalimat.]

Klausa subordinat selalu didahului oleh konjungsi subordinasi atau pronomina relatif. Beberapa yang paling luas digunakan konjungsi subordinasi berikut:

            after                 how                 though             when

            although           if                      unless              where

            as                     since                until                 whether

            because            then                 whatever          why

Sehubungan dengan penyusunan kalimat kita harus hati-hati dengan kata-kata yang tergolong berbahaya. Semua kata yang termasuk dalam A WHITE BUS subordinator tergolong kata-kata berbahaya. Yang dimaksud dengan A WHITE BUS di sini adalah:

A: after, although, as

WH: when, whereas, while, whenever, wherever, whether or not

I: in case, if

T: though

E: even though, even if

B: before, because

U: until, unless

S: since, so (that)

Oleh karena itu berilah perhatian khusus pada kalimat Anda yang mulai dengan subordinator tersebut. Bila kita tidak hati-hati dengan kata-kata tersebut, kita bisa saja menciptakan fragmen kalimat.

Pronomina relatif sering memperkenalkan klausa subordinat. Ketika digunakan dalam cara ini, pronomina relatif mungkin juga merujuk sebagai pronomina konjungtif. Pronomina relatif yang umum sebagai berikut:

            that                  which               who                 whom              whose

Klausa subordinasi dapat berfungsi sebagai adjektiva, adverbia, atau nomina. Klausa adjektiva menerangkan salah satu nomina atau pengganti nomina.

Anyone who has seen Victor Borge loves this humorous Danish immigrant. [Klausa subordinat who has seen Victor Borge menerangkan pronomina anyone.]

Berikut contoh dari semuanya 5 pronomina relatif (klausa relatif dicetak miring, pronomina relatif dicetak tebal):

Ø  The sportscaster who is on Channel 7 has never picked a winner yet.

Ø  She married a man whom she had met at work.

Ø  I contacted the person whose car I bumped into.

Ø  I finally read the book that you told me about.

Ø  I finally read the book which you told me about.

Klausa adverbia. Klausa adverbia harus mulai dengan subordinating conjunction. Sebagai tinjauan, berikut contoh klausa adverbia dalam tiga perannya yang klausa adverbia dapat mainkan: menerangkan verba, adjektiva, dan adverbia lainnya. Klausa adverbia dicetak miring dan subordinating conjunction dicetak tebal:

Menerangkan verba     I ordered a whole pizza because I had skipped lunch.

                                     Give me a call if I can help you.

Menerangkan adjektiva                        I am sorry that we missed you last night.

                                                The movie was even worse than I had feared.

Menerangkan adverbia lain      I answered more sharply than I had intended.

                                                We did better than we thought we would.                                                     

People laugh when he plays the piano. [Klausa subordinat when he plays the piano menerangkan verba laugh.]

Borge is especially funny because he mixes jokes and music. [Klausa subordinat because he mixes jokes and music menerangkan adjektiva funny.]

He can play seriously if he wants to. [Klausa subordinat if he wants to menerangkan adverbia seriously.]

Berikut beberapa contoh klausa adverbia yang mengilustrasikan kategori yang berbeda dari subordinator (klausa adverbia dicetak miring, subordinating conjunction dicetak tebal):

Waktu             I had finished my popcorn before the movie even started.

                        The theater gets really quiet when the movie starts.

Tempat            We found broken glass where the accident had occurred.

                        The lamp followed Mary everywhere she went.

Cara                 They talk about us as if we were not even here.

                          I parked the car as though nothing had happened.

Sebab              She needs the key because she has to lock up tonight.

                        We left the game early since it was getting pretty one-sided.

Kondisi           I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

                        Fred will go to the meeting unless you want to go yourself.

Kondisi           Fred went to the meeting, although he didn’t want to.

                        We went to dinner, even though none of us were very hungry.  

Sebagian terbesar, kita tidak menggunakan koma sebelum klausa adverbia. Tiga konjungsi subordinasi kondisi—although, even though, dan though—perkecualian untuk aturan ini. Klausa adverbia yang mulai dengan kata ini selalu dipisahkan dengan koma. (Penggunaan koma mungkin merefleksikan fakta bahwa klausa yang mengikuti konjungsi subordinasi ini berlawanan dengan apa yang kita mungkin harapkan untuk mengikuti makna klausa independen.)

Klausa nomina. Klausa nomina adalah klausa dependen yang digunakan sebagai frasa nomina. Klausa nomina dapat memainkan peran frasa nomina dasar sebagai subyek, obyek verba, obyek preposisi, dan nominatif predikat, contoh (klausa nomina dicetak miring):

            Subyek:                       What he does for a living is a big mystery.

            Obyek verba:              I know that you are right.

            Obyek preposisi:         We were aware of what we needed to do.

Nominatif predikat:    That is what we wanted.

Whoever Borge entertains is made happier. [Klausa subordinat Whoever Borge entertains bertindak sebagai subyek.]

His infectious humor is what audiences like. [Klausa subordinat what audiences like bertindak sebagai komplemen, nomina predikat dari kalimat tersebut.]

Borge brings whoever listens moments of delight. [Klausa subordinat whoever listens bertindak sebagai obyek tak langsung dari verba brings.]

Audiences frequently request that he play certain songs. [Klausa subordinat that he play certain songs bertindak sebagai obyek langsung dari verba request.]

They are always curious about when he will give another concert. [Klausa subordinat when he will give another concert bertindak sebagai obyek preposisi.]



Klausa  membolehkan seorang penulis untuk menggabung beberapa ide yang terkait ke dalam kalimat tunggal, sebagai pengganti harus menggunakan kalimat terpisah bagi setiap pemikiran. Dalam sekolah dasar Anda mungkin telah mempelajari definisi kalimat ini: kalimat adalah sebuah pernyataan lengkap yang mengungkapkan pemikiran tunggal. Meskipun definisi itu benar dalam cara yang sangat umum, kalimat yang mengandung beberapa klausa mengijinkan bagi pengungkapan pemikiran kompleks, atau pemikiran yang beraneka segi.

            Pertimbangkan, misalnya, kalimat berikut:

1 Lego toys are plastic bricks. 2 They interlock. 3 Children build houses, cars, and towers with them. 4 Lego toys were invented by Ole Christiansen during the Depression. 5 Christiansen was a Danish cabinetmaker. 6 He could not find work. 7 He made the Lego toys from wood. 8. He then exchanged them for food.

Perhatikan bagaimana pendek dan sangat sederhana banyak dari kalimat ini terdengar. Sewaktu Anda membaca mereka, Anda mungkin mulai menggabung beberapa pemikiran yang terkait dalam pikiran Anda memperhalus benjolan (ketidaknyamanan). Latihan dengan frasa di bagian sebelumnya memberi Anda beberapa piranti untuk memperluas kalimat dengan detail. Dengan menggunakan klausa untuk membentuk hubungan tambahan, Anda dapat juga mengkoordinasi dan mengsubordinasi gagasan-gagasan.



The Lego toys that children use to build houses, cars,



            and towers are interlocking, plastic bricks. They were invented by Ole Christiansen 


CLAUSE                                                               SUBORDINATE CLAUSE

            during the Depression. Christiansen, who was a Danish cabinetmaker, could not



            find work, so he made wooden Lego toys which he then exchanged for food.          



1. Lego toys are plastic bricks.

2. They interlock.

3. Children build houses, cars, and towers with them.

Ketiga kalimat tersebut digabung menjadi satu kalimat:

The Lego toys that children use to build houses, cars, and towers are interlocking, plastic bricks. [Klausa subordinat that children use to build houses, cars, and towers menerangkan nomina toys.]


4. Lego toys were invented by Ole Christiansen during the Depression. [Subyek Lego toys diganti pronomina they.]


5. Christiansen was a Danish cabinetmaker.

6. He could not find work.

7. He made the Lego toys from wood.

8. He then exchanged them for food.

Kalimat 5 s/d 8 digabung menjadi kalimat:

Christiansen, who was a Danish cabinetmaker, could not find work, so he made wooden Lego toys which he then exchanged for food. [Klausa subordinat who was a Danish cabinetmaker menerangkan subyek Christiansen dan klausa subordinat which he then exchanged for food menerangkan obyek them.]

Pengganti tempat pernyataan yang sangat sederhana, kita sekarang memiliki tiga kalimat yang menggabung ide dari delapan kalimat aslinya. Di samping lebih halus, enak, dan ringkas, tiga kalimat ini membangun hubungan antara ide-ide dengan memakai klausa yang mempersambungkan satu sama lain mereka.



Kata tertentu yang dapat menjadi salah satu preposisi atau konjungsi kadang-kadang menyebabkan para siswa bingung atas frasa dengan klausa. Kebingungan ini dapat terjadi jika Anda mencoba mengenali sekelompok kata pada dasar penghubung sendirian sebagai pengganti menguji keseluruhan kelompok kata. Contohnya, memperkenalkan sebuah frasa, dan kedua ini memperkenalkan sebuah klausa:

            George has not practiced the piano since his accident.

            Since he broke his arm, he has been unable to play.

Daripada percaya pada penghubung sendirian, uji keseluruhan kelompok kata yang ia memperkenalkan. Ingat bahwa preposisi memperkenalkan frasa—nomina, pronomina, atau penggantinya yang menjadi obyek preposisi, dan kata apa saja yang menerangkan obyek itu. Sebuah konjungsi, di sisi lain, memperkenalkan sebuah klausa—sekelompok kata yang berisikan subyek dan verba. Sebuah frasa tidak pernah mengandung keduanya subyek dan verba.

Beberapa kata yang mungkin salah satu preposisi atau konjungsi adalah after, before, for, until, dan since.



Latihan 1

A few connectives may be either prepositions or conjunctions and can thus introduce both phrases or clauses. These collectives are after, before, until, for, and since. In the following sentences, carefully examine the word groups introduced by the italicized connectives. Then write P above the connective if it is a preposition (introducing a phrase) or C if it is a conjunction (introducing a clause).

Sedikit penghubung mungkin berupa salah satu preposisi atau konjungsi dan dapat karenanya memperkenalkan keduanya frasa atau klausa. Kumpulan ini adalah after, before, until, for, dan since. Dalam kalimat berikut, hati-hati menguji kelompok kata yang diperkenalkan oleh penghubung yang tercetak miring. Kemudian tulis P di atas penghubung jika ia preposisi (memperkenalkan frasa) atau C jika ia konjungsi (memperkenalkan klausa).


Contoh:                        Until the Depression, Blacks had been largely neglected by politicians.


1. Since Blacks traditionally voted for republicans, even Republican politicians ignored them.

2. Since the days of Reconstruction, Blacks had been victims of economic neglect.

3. The Black was, until Roosevelt’s New Deal, “the last hired and the first fired.”

4. Before Roosevelt, Black leaders had referred to “the lily-White House.”

5. After Roosevelt took office, Washington began to demonstrate sympathy for the problem of Blacks.

6. New Deal agencies like the CCC created new opportunities for Blacks.

7. Many able Blacks were nominated for senior jobs in these agencies.

8. After taking office these Blacks initiated programs that helped their fellow Blacks.

9. Of course, these agency administrators symbolized new opportunities for their race.

10. By 1936, Black voters were shifting support to Democratic candidates, since these opportunities were considered to be Roosevelt’s creation.

In each of the following sentences, word groups are italicized. Write P above it if the group is a phrase or C if it is a clause.

Dalam setiap kalimat berikut, kelompok kata tercetak miring. Tulis P di atasnya jika kelompok ini adalah frasa atau C jika ia adalah klausa.


Contoh:            The Depression continued until the industrial boom needed for World War II gained strength.

11. Since the country was fighting fascism in Europe, it could hardly continue segregationist policies at home.

12. The income gap between whites and Blacks narrowed after industrial production speeded up.

13. Blacks became bitter for they were assigned menial tasks in the segregated army or defense industries.

14. Until June 1941, this policy conflicted with all the war idealism abroad in the country.

15. A Philip Randolph, a union president, planned a march on Washington until Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802.

16. After this order took effect, all discrimination in hiring by defense industries was illegal.

17. The Fair Employment Practices Commission worked constantly for greater job opportunities for Blacks.

18. The Commission’s work was easier than it might have been before labor came into short supply during the war.

19. Since the military needed personnel equally desperately, the desegregation of the armed services was rapid.

20. Not until the 1960’s, however, were civilian facilities desegregated to any great extent.


Latihan 2

Underline the subordinate clauses in the following sentences and identify each as an adjective, adverb, or noun clause.

Garisbawahi klausa subordinat dalam kalimat berikut dan kenali masing-masing sebagai klausa adjektiva, adverbia, atau nomina.

1.      Historians think that falconry began in ancient Assyria.

2.      The sports, which has been called the sport of kings, is still popular.

3.      If you want to learn the sport, only three schools exist.

4.      Most people who take up the sport are self-taught.

5.      You should learn to care for a bird of prey before actually buying a falcon.

6.      While the sport is not illegal, it is unlawful to capture a wild bird for training.

7.      The charge that falconry is a cruel sport is a common criticism.

8.      Falconers insist that the sport is a more natural way to hunt than you might think.

9.      What you catch with a hawk is caught exactly as the hawk would catch it if he were alone in the wilderness.

10.  Many students who learn falconry simply want to know they can handle a bird of prey correctly.


Latihan 3

In the following sentences, identify the main and subordinate clauses. Indicate the function of each subordinate clause as adjective, adverb, or noun.

Dalam kalimat berikut, kenali klausa utama dan subordinat. Tunjukkan fungsi dari setiap klausa subordinat sebagai adjektiva, adverbial, atau nomina.

1.      Though the odds against death by lightning strike are high, hundreds of people are killed by lightning each year.

2.      A house, a building, or a vehicle that has a metal top can protect you.

3.      Even if you’re inside a building or vehicle, don’t sit near open windows or doors.

4.      If you must remain outdoors, you should try to stay as low as you possibly can.

5.      You should avoid trees because lightning may be attracted to tall objects.

6.      Lightning “feelers,” which precede a strike, travel until they find a conductor.

7.      When your hair stands on end during a lightning storm, this means that a “feeler” is near.

8.      What you should do to protect yourself is kneel on the ground as quickly as you can.

9.      You should also never assume that lightning won’t strike the same place twice.

10.  Whatever attracted the lightning in the first place may still be around.


Latihan 4.  Check your knowledge.

Correct the errors in the adjective clauses.

Koreksi kesalahan dalam klausa adjektiva berikut.

  1. In our village, there were many people didn't have much money.
  2. I enjoyed the book that you told me to read it.
  3. I still remember the man who he taught me to play the guitar when I was a boy.
  4. I showed my father a picture of the car I am going to buy it as soon as I save enough money.
  5. The woman about who I was talking about suddenly walked into the room.
  6. The people appear in the play are amateur actors.
  7. I don't like to spend time with people which loses their temper easily.
  8. While the boy was at the airport, he took pictures of people which was waiting for their planes.
  9. People who works in the hunger program they estimate that 45,000 people worldwide die from starvation and malnutrition-related diseases every single day of the year.
  10. In one corner of the marketplace, an old man who was playing a violin.


Latihan 5

Combine sentences a and b. Use b as an adjective clause. Use formal written English. Punctuate carefully.

Gabungkan kalimat a dan b. Gunakan b sebagai klausa adjektiva. Gunakan Bahasa Inggris tulis formal. Terapkan tanda baca dengan hati-hati.

1. a. An antecedent is a word.

    b. A pronoun refers to this word.

    =>  An antecedent is a word to which a pronoun refers.

2. a. The blue whale is considered the largest animal that has ever lived

    b. It can grow to 100 feet and 150 tons.

3. a. The plane was met by a crowd of 300 people.

    b. Some of them had been waiting for more than four hours.

4. a. In this paper, I will describe the basic process.

    b. Raw cotton becomes cotton thread by this process.

5. a. The researchers are doing case studies of people to determine the importance of heredity in health and longevity.

    b. These people's families have a history of high blood pressure and heart disease.

6. a. At the end of this month, scientists at the institute will conclude their AIDS research.

    b. The results of this research will be published within six months.

7. a. According to many education officials, "math phobia" (that is, a fear of mathematics) is a widespread problem.

    b. A solution to this problem can and must be found.

8. a. The art museum hopes to hire a new administrator.

    b. Under this person's direction, it will be able to purchase significant pieces of art.

9. a. The giant anteater licks up ants for its dinner.

    b. Its tongue is longer than 30 centimeters (12 inches).

10.a. The anteater's tongue is sticky.

    b. It can go in and out of its mouth 160 times a minute.


Kunci Jawaban

Latihan 1


1. Since Blacks traditionally voted for republicans, even Republican politicians ignored them.


2. Since the days of Reconstruction, Blacks had been victims of economic neglect.


3. The Black was, until Roosevelt’s New Deal, “the last hired and the first fired.”


4. Before Roosevelt, Black leaders had referred to “the lily-White House.”


5. After Roosevelt took office, Washington began to demonstrate sympathy for the problem of Blacks.


6. New Deal agencies like the CCC created new opportunities for Blacks.


7. Many able Blacks were nominated for senior jobs in these agencies.


8. After taking office these Blacks initiated programs that helped their fellow Blacks.


9. Of course, these agency administrators symbolized new opportunities for their race.


10. By 1936, Black voters were shifting support to Democratic candidates, since these opportunities were considered to be Roosevelt’s creation.


Contoh:            The Depression continued until the industrial boom needed for World War II gained strength.


11. Since the country was fighting fascism in Europe, it could hardly continue segregationist policies at home.


12. The income gap between whites and Blacks narrowed after industrial production speeded up.


13. Blacks became bitter for they were assigned menial tasks in the segregated army or defense industries.


14. Until June 1941, this policy conflicted with all the war idealism abroad in the country.


15. A Philip Randolph, a union president, planned a march on Washington until Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802.


16. After this order took effect, all discrimination in hiring by defense industries was illegal.


17. The Fair Employment Practices Commission worked constantly for greater job opportunities for Blacks.


18. The Commission’s work was easier than it might have been before labor came into short supply during the war.


19. Since the military needed personnel equally desperately, the desegregation of the armed services was rapid.


20. Not until the 1960’s, however, were civilian facilities desegregated to any great extent.


Latihan 2


1.      Historians think that falconry began in ancient Assyria.


2.      The sports, which has been called the sport of kings, is still popular.


3.      If you want to learn the sport, only three schools exist.


4.      Most people who take up the sport are self-taught.


5.      You should learn to care for a bird of prey before actually buying a falcon.

[Taka ada klausa subordinat dan yang ada frasa gerund before buying a falcon.]


6.      While the sport is not illegal, it is unlawful to capture a wild bird for training.


7.      The charge that falconry is a cruel sport is a common criticism.

                           noun                                                  adverb

8.      Falconers insist that the sport is a more natural way to hunt than you might think.

         noun                                                                                         adverb

9.      What you catch with a hawk is caught exactly as the hawk would catch it if he were alone in the wilderness.

                             adjective                                       noun

10.  Many students who learn falconry simply want to know they can handle a bird of prey correctly.

[that yang dipahami memperkenalkan klausa nomina]


Latihan 3

             SC (adverb)  SC = Subordinate Clause

1.      Though the odds against death by lightning strike are high, hundreds of people are killed by lightning each year.

                                                     SC (adjective)

2.      A house, a building, or a vehicle that has a metal top can protect you.

 SC (adverb)

3.      Even if you’re inside a building or vehicle, don’t sit near open windows or doors.

 SC (adverb)

4.      If you must remain outdoors, you should try to stay as low as you possibly can.

                                       SC (adverb)

5.      You should avoid trees because lightning may be attracted to tall objects.

                                  SC (adjective)                         SC (adverb)

6.      Lightning “feelers,” which precede a strike, travel until they find a conductor.

 SC (adverb)                                                                                       SC (noun)

7.      When your hair stands on end during a lightning storm, this means that a “feeler” is near.

 SC (noun)                                                                                   SC (adverb)

8.      What you should do to protect yourself is kneel on the ground as quickly as you can.

                                                  SC (noun)

9.      You should also never assume that lightning won’t strike the same place twice.

 SC (noun)

10.  Whatever attracted the lightning in the first place may still be around.


Latihan 4

1.      In our village, there were many people didn't have much money.


Penghilangan pronomina relatif “who” untuk menggantikan “people” sebagai subyek verba “didn’t have” dan klausa relatif ini menerangkan “people.”

Setelah dibetulkan:

In our village, there were many people who didn't have much money.

2.      I enjoyed the book that you told me to read it.


Pronomina diulang. Kata ganti “it” untuk “book” sudah diwakili pronomina relatif “that” sebagai obyek verba “read” dan klausa relatif ini menerangkan “book.”

Setelah dibetulkan:

I enjoyed the book that you told me to read.

3.      I still remember the man who he taught me to play the guitar when I was a boy.


Pronomina diulang. Kata ganti “he” untuk “man” sudah diwakili pronomina relatif “who” sebagai subyek verba “taught” dan klausa relatif ini menerangkan “man.”

Setelah dibetulkan:

I still remember the man who taught me to play the guitar when I was a boy.

4.      I showed my father a picture of the car I am going to buy it as soon as I save enough money.


Salah penggunaan kata ganti “it.”  Seharusnya digunakan pronomina relatif “that” untuk mengganti obyek “a picture of the car” dan klausa relatif ini menerangkan obyek “picture.”

Setelah dibetulkan:

I showed my father a picture of the car that I am going to buy  as soon as I save enough money.

5.      The woman about who I was talking about suddenly walked into the room.


Salah dalam pemilihan pronomina relatif. Seharusnya digunakan pronomina relatif “whom” sebagai obyek dari preposisi “about” dan klausa relatif ini menerangkan “woman.”

Setelah dibetulkan:

The woman about whom I was talking suddenly walked into the room.OR The woman whom I was talking about suddenly walked into the room.

6.      The people appear in the play are amateur actors.


Penghilangan pronomina relatif “who” untuk menggantikan “people” sebagai subyek verba “appear” dan klausa relatif ini menerangkan “people.”

Setelah dibetulkan:

The people who appear in the play are amateur actors.

7.      I don't like to spend time with people which loses their temper easily.


Salah dalam pemilihan pronomina relatif. Seharusnya digunakan pronomina relatif “who” sebagai subyek dari verba “loses” dan klausa relatif ini menerangkan “people.”

Setelah dibetulkan:

I don't like to spend time with people who loses their temper easily.

8.      While the boy was at the airport, he took pictures of people which was waiting for their planes.


Salah dalam pemilihan pronomina relatif. Seharusnya digunakan pronomina relatif “who” sebagai subyek dari verba “were” dan klausa relatif ini menerangkan “people.” Verba dan antesedennya tidak sesuai: “was” seharusnya menjadi “were.”

Setelah dibetulkan:

While the boy was at the airport, he took pictures of people who were waiting for their planes.

9.      People who works in the hunger program they estimate that 45,000 people worldwide die from starvation and malnutrition-related diseases every single day of the year.


Verba dan anteseden tidak sesuai: who works seharusnya who work. Pronomina diulang. Kata ganti “they” sudah diwakili “people” sebagai subyek dari verba “estimate” dan klausa relatif ini menerangkan “people.’

Setelah dibetulkan:

People who work in the hunger program estimate that 45,000 people worldwide die from starvation and malnutrition-related diseases every single day of the year.

10.  In one corner of the marketplace, an old man who was playing a violin.


Berlebihan penggunaan pronomina relatif “who” yang tidak perlu. Hilangkan pronomina relatif “who” dan kalimat akan menjadi benar.

Setelah dibetulkan:

In one corner of the marketplace, an old man was playing a violin.


Latihan 5

1. a. An antecedent is a word.

    b. A pronoun refers to this word.

    =>  An antecedent is a word to which a pronoun refers.

2. The blue whale, which can grow to 100 feet and 150 tons, is considered the largest animal that has ever lived

3. The plane was met by a crowd of 300 people, some of whom had been waiting for more than four hours.   

4. In this paper, I will describe the basic process by which raw cotton becomes cotton thread.   

5. The researchers are doing case studies of people whose families have a history of high blood pressure and heart disease to determine the importance of heredity in health and longevity.   

6. At the end of this month, scientists at the institute will conclude their AIDS research, the results of which will be published within six months.     

7. According to many education officials, "math phobia" (that is, a fear of mathematics) is a widespread problem to which a solution can and must be found.    

8. The art museum hopes to hire a new administrator under whose direction, it will be able to purchase significant pieces of art.   

9. The giant anteater, whose tongue is longer than 30 centimeters (12 inches) licks up ants for its dinner.   

10. The anteater's tongue, which can go in and out of its mouth 160 times a minute, is sticky.

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