Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Menggunakan Frasa Partisipial untuk Meningkatkan Gaya Tulisan
Dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris, Anda dapat menggunakan frasa
partisipial untuk meningkatkan gaya tulisan Anda. Ketika tulisan Anda berisikan
terlalu banyak klausa adjektiva, ubahlah beberapa dari mereka ke frasa
partisipial. Kadang menggunakan frasa partisipial di awal kalimat
dipertimbangkan gaya yang cukup matang.
Buatlah lebih baik tulisan pendek berikut dengan mengubah
beberapa klausa adjektiva dan adverbia ke
frasa partisipial. Ada sembilan tempat di mana perubahan semacam ini
dapat dibuat. Apakah Anda bisa menandainya?
Global Warming
of the biggest problems that faces humankind in the next few decades is the
problem of global warming. In the past 150 years, global temperatures have
risen approximately 1oC (1.8oF).The year 1998 was the
warmest year that was ever recorded. If temperatures continue to rise, the
consequences could be catastrophic. As the earth’s temperature rises, polar ice
will melt, which will cause the water level of the oceans to rise. Rising ocean
levels, in turn, will cause flooding along the coasts. Global warming will also
cause major changes in climate that will affect agriculture. For example, crops
that were previously grown in Guatemala may not do so well because it will
become too hot.
they believe that the increase in carbon dioxide in the earth’s temperature is
the primary cause of global warming, scientists have urged immediate action to
decrease CO2 levels. They have asked the world’s governments to
write an agreement that will control the amount of carbon dioxide that is
released into the atmosphere. After each government signs such an agreement,
each government will have to enforce it. Brazilians, for example, will have to
stop burning their rain forests, and Americans will have to stop driving their
gas-guzzling SUVs.
Pemanasan Global
masalah terbesar yang dihadapi umat manusia dalam beberapa decade yang akan
datang adalah masalah pemanasan global. Dalam masa 150 tahun belakangan ini,
suhu dunia telah naik kira-kira 1oC (1.8oF). Tahun 1998
adalah tahun terpanas yang pernah tercatat. Jika suhu berlanjut naik, akibatnya
dapat merupakan bencana besar. Selagi suhu bumi naik, es kutub akan meleleh,
yang akan menyebabkan permukaan air lautan naik. Kenaikan permukaan air lautan,
pada gilirannya, akan menyebabkan banjir sepanjang pantai. Pemanasan global
juga akan menyebabkan perubahan besar dalam iklim yang mempengaruhi pertanian.
Contohnya, jagung yang sebelumnya ditanam di Guatemala mungkin tidak begitu
baik karena iklim akan menjadi terlalu panas.
mereka percaya bahwa peningkatan karbon dioksida dalam temperature bumi adalah
penyebab utama pemanasan global, para ahli telah mendesak tindakan segera untuk
mengurangi tingkat CO2. Mereka telah meminta pemerintah di dunia
untuk menulis perjanjian yang akan mengontrol jumlah karbon dioksida yang
dilepas ke dalam atmosfer. Setelah masing-masing pemerintah menanda-tangani
perjanjian semacam ini, setiap pemerintah akan harus melaksanakannya.
Pemerintah Brazil, misalnya, akan harus menghentikan pembakaran hutan tadah
hujan mereka, dan pemerintah Amerika akan harus menghentikan mengoperasikan
jenis kendaraan SUV mereka (berbahan bakar gas).
Berikut 9 tempat yang perlu diubah ke dalam frasa partisipial:
Global Warming
of the biggest problems that faces humankind in the next few decades is
the problem of global warming. In the past 150 years, global temperatures have
risen approximately 1oC (1.8oF).The year 1998 was the
warmest year that was ever recorded. If temperatures continue to rise,
the consequences could be catastrophic. As the earth’s temperature rises, polar
ice will melt, which will cause the water level of the oceans to rise.
Rising ocean levels, in turn, will cause flooding along the coasts. Global
warming will also cause major changes in climate that will affect
agriculture. For example, crops that were previously grown in Guatemala
may not do so well because it will become too hot.
they believe that the increase in carbon dioxide in the earth’s temperature
is the primary cause of global warming, scientists have urged immediate action
to decrease CO2 levels. They have asked the world’s governments to
write an agreement that will control the amount of carbon dioxide that
is released into the atmosphere. After each government signs such an
agreement, each government will have to enforce it. Brazilians, for example,
will have to stop burning their rain forests, and Americans will have to stop driving
their gas-guzzling SUVs.
11. . . . that
faces humankind (klausa adjektiva) diubah menjadi facing humankind (frasa
partisipial dari verba aktif)
22. . . . that
was ever recorded (klausa adjektiva) diubah menjadi ever
recorded (frasa partisipial dari verba pasif)
33. .
. . which
will cause the water level (klausa adjektiva) diubah menjadi causing
the water level (frasa partisipial dari verba aktif)
44. .
. . that
will affect agriculture (klausa adjektiva) diubah menjadi affecting
agriculture (frasa partisipial dari verba aktif)
55. .
. . that
were previously grown (klausa adjektiva) diubah menjadi previously
grown (frasa partisipial dari verba pasif)
66. Because
they believe that (klausa adverbia) diubah menjadi believing that (frasa
partisipial dari verba aktif). Reason subordinator “because” selalu dihapus.
77. . . .
that will control the amount (klausa adjektiva) diubah menjadi controlling
the amount (frasa partisipial dari verba aktif)
88. .
. . that
is released into the atmosphere (klausa adjektiva) diubah menjadi released
into the atmosphere (frasa partisipial dari verba pasif
99. After
each government signs such an agreement (klausa adverbia) diubah menjadi
signing such an agreement (frasa partisipial dari verba aktif). Subyek
dalam klausa adverbia dihapus.
Berikut dua paragraph yang sudah
Global Warming
of the biggest problems facing humankind in the next few
decades is the problem of global warming. In the past 150 years, global
temperatures have risen approximately 1oC (1.8oF).The
year 1998 was the warmest year ever recorded. If temperatures
continue to rise, the consequences could be catastrophic. As the earth’s
temperature rises, polar ice will melt, causing the water level of the
oceans to rise. Rising ocean levels, in turn, will cause flooding along the
coasts. Global warming will also cause major changes in climate affecting
agriculture. For example, crops previously grown in Guatemala may
not do so well because it will become too hot.
that the increase in carbon dioxide in the earth’s temperature is the primary
cause of global warming, scientists have urged immediate action to decrease CO2
levels. They have asked the world’s governments to write an agreement controlling
the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. After
signing such an agreement, each government will have to enforce it.
Brazilians, for example, will have to stop burning their rain forests, and
Americans will have to stop driving their gas-guzzling SUVs.
Happy reading!
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