Selasa, 27 Juli 2021

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Hindari Menulis Fragmen Kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris

Workshop for English


fragmen kalimat, klausa dependen, anak kalimat, kalimat lengkap

Apa Itu Fragmen Kalimat?

Fragmen kalimat merupakan kalimat yang tak lengkap, yang tak bisa beridri sendiri sebagai sebuah kalimat. Fragmen adalah sekelompok kata yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai kalimat lengkap secara gramatikal.

Fragmen:                    Because I said you can’t leave the house

Kalimat lengkap:        You cannot go to the mall because I said you can’t leave the house.

Kalimat umumnya mengandung sebuah subyek dan sebuah verba dan sedikitnya satu klausa independen. Dalam menulis, kita menengarai kalimat dengan huruf besar di awal kalimat dan menempatkan sebuah tanda baca akhir yang sesuai, biasanya sebuah titik, setelah bagian akhir. Sekelompok kata apa saja yang dipersiapkan sebagai sebuah kalimat tetapi tiadanya sebuah subyek, sebuah verba, atau sebuah klausa independen adalah fragmen kalimat.

FRAGMEN:     Larry wasn't able to finish graduate school. Because he didn't get a scholarship.

Fragmen juga dapat dibetulkan dalam dua cara: dengan menggabungkan fragmen ke kalimat lainnya atau dengan menulis kembali fragmen sebagai sebuah kalimat yang berdiri sendiri.

KOREKSI A: Larry wasn't able to finish graduate school because he didn't get a scholarship.

KOREKSI B: Larry wasn't able to finish graduate school. He didn't get a scholarship.

Grammar Tip: “I realize”

Sebagian besar kalimat lengkap dapat didahului dengan “I realize” dan masih terdengar baik-baik saja. Fragmen, bagaimanapun, akan terdengar aneh.

Penjelasan lebih teknikal (dan akurat) tentang bagaimana mengenali sebuah kalimat lengkap diberikan dalam berikut, tetapi tip “I realize” ini adalah sarana nonteknikal untuk mengenali bagian terbesar kalimat lengkap dan fragmen.

Kalimat Lengkap                                          Terdengar OK

Brian forgot his keys.              menjadi           I realize Brian forgot his keys.

We will not win the lottery.      menjadi          I realize we will not win the lottery.

It rained heavily.                      menjadi           I realize it rained heavily.

Fragmen                                                         Terdengar Aneh

X  Whatever                            menjadi            X  I realize whatever.                          

X  Rolling down the hill          menjadi            X  I realize rolling down the hill.        

X  Since the beginning of time menjadi           X  I realize since the beginning of time.

Lalu Apa Masalahnya?

Beberapa studi telah menunjukkan bahwa fragmen adalah di antara jenis kesalahan yang paling mengganggu yang dapat dilakukan dalam tulisan formal. Meski fragmen umum dalam pembicaraan dan dapat menjadi efektif jika digunakan pada waktu dan tempat yang tepat dalam komunikasi tulis, banyak orang tidak percaya fragmen merupakan pikiran yang lengkap. Memang, banyak fragmen absen dari subyek dan verba. Tanpa subyek dan verba, sebuah kalimat tak mungkin mengkomunikasikan gagasan yang lengkap.

Dalam kenyataan, fragmen begitu mengganggu kepada para pembaca bahwa Anda harus bertanya-tanya bagaimana mereka dapat hadir di tempat pertama. Tidak seharusnyakah kesalahan-kesalahan ini begitu jelas kita kenali dan menghapus mereka? Jelas, jawabannya tidak. Fragmen yang menyusahkan masih mengatur untuk membuat rancu sebagian besar tulisan orang segera atau kemudian, mungkin karena beberapa fragmen tampak seperti pemikiran yang lengkap (sedangkan kalimat lengkap beberapa orang tidak tampak merefleksikan banyak pikiran sama sekali). 

klausa independen, frasa preposisi, frasa verbal, apositif


Menghindari Masalah: Mencari Subyek dan Verba

Ingat kedua ide ini untuk menghindari fragmen:

1. Setiap kalimat lengkap harus memiliki sebuah subyek dan sebuah verba.

2. Beberapa fragmen juga memiliki sebuah subyek dan sebuah verba, tetapi mereka masih merupakan fragmen karena mereka mulai dengan kata pengenal (isyarat) yang menunjukkan apa yang hadir setelahnya tidak merupakan kalimat yang terpisah.

Persyaratan #1: Sebuah Subyek dan Verbanya

Kalimat lengkap membutuhkan sebuah subyek dan sebuah verba yang merujuk ke subyek ini. Subyek adalah orang, tempat, atau benda. Ia akan tersusun dari nomina atau pronomina. Verba adalah sesuatu yang subyek sedang lakukan, atau verba adalah sebuah verba (semacam is) yang tidak merupakan aksi tetapi masih terkait dengan subyek untuk membentuk kalimat yang lengkap.

Kalimat lengkap (subyek utama digaris-bawahi sekali, verbanya digaris-bawahi dua kali)

The busy executive ate lunch in her office.

She wrote this story in college.

Neil Armstrong received an annual salary of about $30,000 when he first walked on the moon.

Billy the Kid was twenty-one when he was killed.


X  Eating lunch in her office (Who was eating?)

X  A story in college (What happened?)

X  An annual salary of about $30,000 (What happened?)

X  Killed when he was twenty-one (Who killed whom?)

Persyaratan #2: Penggunaan yang Tidak Sesuai Kata Pengenal

Beberapa kata (biasanya disebut konjungsi subordinasi) menunjukkan bahwa klausa dependen (anak kalimat), daripada kalimat lengkap, akan hadir. Karenanya, kata pengenal ini memberitahu kita bahwa sekelompok kata berikut yang pembaca akan lihat tidak dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai kalimat lengkap—meski mereka mengandung sebuah subyek dan sebuah verba. Perhatikan bagaimana contoh-contoh berikut (klausa dependen) tidak dapat berdiri dengan sendirinya sebagai kalaimat lengkap meskipun memiliki subyek dan verba:

Fragmen: flag word subject + verb

X  When the next train arrives.

X  Because her boss was evil.

X  Whenever you leave.

X  Because the photocopier is being misused.

When, because, whenever adalah kata pengenal (isyarat) klausa dependen.

Grammar Tip: Mengecek Kalimat Because

Satu jenis fragmen yang umum mulai dengan because. Periksa dua kali kalimat yang mulai dengan because untuk meyakinkan mereka (kalimat) lengkap.

Anda dapat memulai kalimat dengan because jika ada klausa independen setelahnya dalam kalimat, seperti dalam kalimat lengkap ini:

            Because her boss was evil, Margaret found a job elsewhere.

            Because the photocopier is being misused, our manager is unhappy with us.

Dalam contoh berikut, bagaimanapun, tidak ada klausa independen yang hadir setelah klausa “because.”  Jadi, contoh ini fragmen:

            X  Because I said that it is time to go.

Menghindari Masalah: Memindahkan Fragmen

Hampir setiap fragmen diduga bagian dari kalimat tepat sebelumnya. Untuk membetulkan sebagian besar fragmen, pindah fragmen sehingga ia menjadi bagian dari kalimat sebelumnya.

Jika Anda mendeteksi fragmen, lihat apakah Anda dapat membetulkan kesalahan tersebut dengan menggabungkannya dengan kalimat sebelumnya:

Kalimat + Fragmen                                                   Pembetulan

I will leave. When the next train arrives.                      > I will leave when the next train arrives.

She decided to quit. Because her boss was evil.          > She decided to quit because her boss was evil.

You should lock the door. Whenever you leave.         > You should lock the door whenever you leave.

We saw Dr. West. Who lives next door.                      > We saw Dr. West, who lives next door.

Untuk menghindari kesalahan tersebut, jangan menandai frasa, klausa dependen, dan fragmen yang lainnya sebagai kalimat. Jenis fragmen yang paling umum beserta dengan revisinya diilustrasikan sebagai berikut.

1. Frasa preposisi (Prepositional phrase).  Frasapreposisi terdiri dari sebuah preposisi, obyeknya, dan penjelas obyeknya: over the mountains, during the long intermission, after eating dinner. Frasa preposisi biasanya bertindak sebagai penjelas/penerang. Frasa preposisi dalam contoh berikut dicetak miring. 

FRAGMENT                Lisa and Sally had just come home. From their trip to New Orleans, Miami, and Atlanta.

REVISED                    Lisa and Sally had just come home from their trip to New Orleans, Miami, and Atlanta.

FRAGMENT                There must always be secrets. Even between you and me.

REVISED                    There must always be secrets, even between you and me.

                                    There must always be secrets--even between you and me.

[Di sini kedua revisi menggabungkan frasa preposisi yang diperkenalkan dengan between dengan pernyataan utama. Tetapi tanda garis (dash) memberikan penekanan yang lebih besar kepada frasa tersebut.]

2. Frasa verbal (Verbal phrase). Frasa verbal terdiri atas sebuah verbal (infinitif, partisipel, atau gerund), obyeknya, dan penjelas obyek tersebut atau verbal. Frasa verbal dalam contoh berikut dicetak miring.

FRAGMENT   The Dean finally agreed to see me. To talk about my financial problems. [Frasa infinitif]

REVISED        The Dean finally agreed to see me to talk about my financial problems.

FRAGMENT                The Egyptian pyramids are a remarkable accomplishment. Showing much knowledge of the laws of physics. [Frasa partisipial]

REVISED                    The Egyptian pyramids are a remarkable accomplishment, showing much knowledge of the laws of physics. 

FRAGMENT                The citizens voted against the proposed town budget. Being angry at the continued tax increases. [Frasa partisipial]

REVISED                    The citizens voted against the proposed town budget, being angry at the continued tax increases.

REVISED                    The citizens voted against the proposed town budget; they were angry at the continued tax increases.

[Revisi kedua ini mengubah frasa partisipel yang berawal dengan being ke klausa independen. Sebetulnya dua kalimat tersebut dapat dipisahkan dengan titik, tetapi semikolon menunjukkan hubungan yang dekat antara klausa tersebut.]

3. Klausa subordinasi (Anak kalimat). Anak kalimat biasanya diperkenalkan dengan konjungsi subordinasi seperti after, although, because, when, where, while, atau until atau dengan pronomina relatif seperti who, which, atau that. Anak kalimat yang hadir sebagai fragmen hampir selalu merupakan penjelas (modifier). Anak kalimat dalam contoh berikut dicetak miring.

FRAGMENT                Their resentment against that attack on the children lasted for many years. Although it was seldom openly expressed.

REVISED                    Their resentment against that attack on the children lasted for many years, although it was seldom openly expressed.

FRAGMENT                Prospectors invaded the newly discovered gold field. Which was reported to the richest yet found. 

REVISED                    Prospectors invaded the newly discovered gold field, which was reported to the richest yet found.

FRAGMENT                We took both English and mathematics. Because both were required.

REVISED                    We took both English and mathematics because both were required.    

REVISED                    We took both English and mathematics; both were required.

[Di sini fragmen telah dibuat independen dengan menyingkirkan konjungsi subordinasi because, tetapi hubungan dekat klausa kedua kepada klausa pertama dimungkinkan dengan memisah keduanya dengan semikolon daripada dengan titik.]

4. Appositif (Appositives).  Appositif adalah kata atau frasa yang menyebutkan kembali atau menerangkan nomina atau pronomina yang bersanding dengan segera di depan kata atau frasa tersebut. Appositif dalam contoh berikut dicetak miring.

FRAGMENT                The supervisor on my job was a kind person. A thorough man but always sympathetic and thoughtful.

REVISED                    The supervisor on my job was a kind person, a thorough man but always sympathetic and thoughtful. 

REVISED                    The supervisor on my job was a kind person. He was thorough, but always sympathetic and thoughtful.

[Di sini fragmen telah dibuat independen dengan menambah sebuah subyek dan verba. Revisi ini memberikan penekanan yang lebih besar kepada kualitas supervisor.]

FRAGMENT                There are several alternatives. The first being to postpone the event. The second being to find a new location for it.

REVISED                    There are several alternatives, the first being to postpone the event, the second being to find a new location for it.

5.  Fragmen lainnya (Other fragments).

FRAGMENT                She was offered one position in a law office. And another in the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

REVISED                    She was offered one position in a law office and another in the Bureau of Indian Affairs. [Di sini fragmen adalah bagian kedua dari obyek majemuk dari verba offered.]

FRAGMENT                After packing Saturday night, they left early Sunday morning. And reached Denver Monday evening.

REVISED                    After packing Saturday night, they left early Sunday morning and reached Denver Monday evening. [Di sini fragmen adalah bagian kedua dari predikat majemuk: They left . . . and reached . . . .]

FRAGMENT                No rain for three months. The reservoirs were low and the streams were drying up.

REVISED                    With no rain for three months, the reservoirs were low and the streams were drying up.

REVISED                    There had been no rain for three months. As a result, the reservoirs were low and the streams were drying up.

Yang perlu diingat:

·         Kalimat lengkap memiliki sebuah subyek yang mempunyai sebuah verba.

·         Jenis kata pengenal tertentu memperkenalkan sebuah subyek dan sebuah verba, tetapi kata ini mengisyaratkan klausa dependen, bukan kalimat lengkap.

·         Sebagian besar fragmen akibat dari masalah tanda baca. Karenanya, fragmen seharusnya tidak diberi tanda baca sebagai kalimat lengkap. Titik tepat di depan fragmen seharusnya salah satu dihapus atau diganti dengan koma sehingga fragmen menjadi kesatuan dengan kalimat sebelumnya. [seperti contoh We saw Dr. West, who lives next door.)

·         Semua jenis frasa adalah fragmen dan termasuk juga klausa adverbia dan klausa adjektiva.


Run-on Sentence (Kalimat Melantur)

Run-on sentence bukan sekedar kalimat yang panjang; ini menyangkut kalimat yang mengandung dua atau lebih klausa independen yang tidak secara benar ditautkan.

Jangan hilangkan tanda baca antara klausa utama. Penghilangan semacam ini berakibat dalam run-on sentence--dengan demikian, dua pikiran lengkap secara gramatika tanpa tanda baca pemisah. Betulkan kesalahan ini dalam cara yang sama seperti comma splice.

RUN-ON SENTENCE     Caffeine is a stimulant it gives some people the jitters.

REVISED       Caffeine is a stimulant. It gives some people the jitters.

Caffeine is a stimulant; it gives some people the jitters.

Caffeine is a stimulant, and it gives some people the jitters.

                        Caffeine is a stimulant; thus it gives some people the jitters.

                        Because caffeine is a stimulant, it gives some people the jitters.


Coffee contains caffeine furthermore, chocolate, tea, and cola also contain significant amounts of caffeine.                  


Coffee contains caffeine; furthermore, chocolate, tea, and cola also contain significant amounts of caffeine.



Many soft drinks have a high caffeine content as a result caffeine-free colas have been developed to respond to consumers' concerns.


Many soft drinks have a high caffeine content. As a result, caffeine-free colas have been developed to respond to consumers' concerns.


Professional workers such as lawyers or accountants usually work longer hours than factory workers they have more freedom in planning their time.

Kalimat di atas memiliki dua klausa independen yang ditautkan secara tidak benar. Anda dapat memperbaiki run-on sentence dengan menggabungkan klausa secara benar atau dengan memecah run-on sentence ke dalam dua kalimat yang lebih pendek.


Professional workers such as lawyers or accountants usually work longer hours than factory workers; however, they have more freedom in planning their time.


Professional workers such as lawyers or accountants usually work longer hours than factory workers. However, they have more freedom in planning their time.

Melantur atau ngelantur (Jawa) biasanya memiliki konotasi negatif. Bagaimana caranya mengatasi kalimat yang ngelantur? Caranya ya, dengan memasang portal tanda baca.


Bagian Latihan

Latihan 1

DIRECTIONS: Mark the following items F if they contain a fragment, RU if they are run-on sentences, and C if they are correct. Then write corrections eliminating fragments and run-ons. The first one is done for you as an example.

PETUNJUK: Tandai item berikut F jika item tersebut mengandung fragmen, RU jika item tersebut adalah kalimat melantur, dan C jika item tersebut adalah benar. Kemudian tulis pembetulan yang mengeliminasi fragmen dan kalimat melantur. Nomor pertama dikerjakan untuk Anda sebagai contoh.

__F__  1. After its introduction in 1969. The float process became the world's principal method of manufacturing flat sheets of glass.

                After its introduction in 1969, the float process became the world's principal method of manufacturing flat sheets of glass.

_____ 2. We heard a lecture by Professor Taylor. Who is the chairman of the history department?


_____ 3. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb and the phonograph. But not the telephone.


_____ 4. Arnold Palmer, a famous American golfer, is no longer playing professionally, but he is still respected by golf fans all over the world.


_____ 5. Seals appear clumsy on the land, they are able to move short distances faster than most people can run.


_____ 6. You can't get to the island from here. Without a boat.


_____ 7. While all birds are alike in that they have feathers and lay eggs, there are great differences among them in terms of size, structure, and color.


_____ 8. A barometer is a device it is used to measure atmospheric pressure.


_____ 9. Sometimes cloth is made by blending natural fibers and synthetic fibers. Rayon and cotton, for example.


_____ 10. Professor Roberts bought a car in Rome. Then sold it in Amsterdam after her vacation.


_____ 11. Technical climbing means mountain climbing without special equipment, it shouldn't be attempted without training.


_____ 12. Almost 92% of people get married over one third of these marriages end in divorce half of all divorced people choose to get married a second time.



Latihan 2

In the following sentences, eliminate fragments by combining them with a main clause or making the fragments into complete sentences.

Dalam kalimat berikut, singkirkan fragmen dengan menggabungkan mereka dengan klausa utama atau buatlah fragmen ke dalam kalimat lengkap.

  1. In October of 1933, President Roosevelt signed a bill authorizing construction of a dam. On the Missouri River at Fort Peck, Montana.
  2. On the twenty-third day of that month, seventy men began work. Eventually ten thousand on the cold prairie.
  3. The chance at construction jobs drew thousands of men to Fort Peck. Who were unemployed or who had lost their farms and businesses.
  4. Skilled laborers like carpenters or equipment operators were paid $1.20 an hour. Common laborers 50¢ an hour.
  5. Even with those wages. The dam at Port Peck cost $173 million.
  6. People stood in line for the chance to earn 50¢ an hour. For every worker, ten more hoping to be hired.
  7. Four separate towns sprang up around the dam site. With tents and even packing crates and huts made of scrap lumber.
  8. The shanty towns had beer halls, dance halls, and cowboys shooting in saloons. Just like Wild West mining camps.
  9. The working conditions were brutal. Summer temperatures well over 100 degree, winter temperatures reaching 62 degree below zero.
  10. All the equipment ran 24 hours a day. A way to keep the engines from freezing.
  11. The concrete had to be heated before it could be poured. And stoves and open fires for the workers.
  12. Each bed in the bachelor quarters was shared by three men. Who slept on the bed in 8-hour shifts.
  13. Eight workers were killed. When eight million cubic yards of fill dirt slid from beneath a whole section of the dam.
  14. Four years after work began, the river was routed through the spill-way. A 134-square-mile lake forming.
  15. In 1943, the first powerhouse was finished. And began providing electrical power for all of Montana.


Kunci Jawaban

Latihan 1

        2. We heard a lecture by Professor Taylor who is the chairman of the history department.          

F         3. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb and the phonograph, but not the telephone.          

C        4. Arnold Palmer, a famous American golfer, is no longer playing professionally, but he is still respected by golf fans all over the world.          

RU     5. Seals appear clumsy on the land, but they are able to move short distances faster than most people can run.         

F        6. You can't get to the island from here without a boat.       

RU     7. While all birds are alike in that they have feathers and lay eggs; there are great differences among them in terms of size, structure, and color.       

RU     8. A barometer is a device; it is used to measure atmospheric pressure. (Compound sentence)

              A barometer is a device which is used to measure atmospheric pressure. (Adjective clause)

              A barometer is a device used to measure atmospheric pressure. (Past participial)

F        9. Sometimes cloth is made by blending natural fibers and synthetic fibers, for example rayon and cotton.         

F        10. Professor Roberts bought a car in Rome then sold it in Amsterdam after her vacation.        

RU     11. Technical climbing means mountain climbing without special equipment; it shouldn't be attempted without training.        

RU     12. Almost 92% of people get married. Over one third of these marriages end in divorce and half of all divorced people choose to get married a second time.

Latihan 2

Answers may vary, but the following sentences are representative of effective ways of eliminating fragments.

  1.  In October of 1933, President Roosevelt signed a bill authorizing construction of a dam on the Missouri River at Fort Peck, Montana.
  2.  On the twenty-third day of that month, seventy men began work. Eventually there were ten thousand on the cold prairie.
  3.  The chance at construction work drew thousands of men who were unemployed or who had lost their farms and businesses to Fort Peck. OR Thousands of men who were unemployed or who had lost their farms and businesses were drawn to Fort Peck by the chance at construction work.
  4.  Skilled laborers like carpenters or equipment operators were paid $1.20 an hour, common laborers 50¢ an hour.
  5.  Even with those wages, the dam at Port Peck cost $173 million.
  6.  People stood in line for the chance to earn 50¢ an hour. For every worker who got a job, ten more were hoping to be hired.
  7.  Four separate towns, consisting of tents and even packing crates and huts made of scrap lumber, sprang up around the dam site.
  8.  Just like Wild West mining camps, the shanty towns had beer halls, dance halls, and cowboys shooting in saloons. OR The shanty towns had beer halls, dance halls, and cowboys shooting in saloons, just like Wild West mining camps.
  9.  The working conditions were brutal, with summer temperatures well over 100 degree and winter temperatures reaching 62 degree below zero.
  10.   As a way to keep the engines from freezing, all the equipment ran 24 hours a day.
  11.  The concrete had to be heated before it could be poured. Stoves and open fires had to be provided for the workers.
  12.  Each bed in the bachelor quarters was shared by three men who slept on the bed in 8-hour shifts.
  13.  Eight workers were killed when eight million cubic yards of fill dirt slid from beneath a whole section of the dam.
  14.  Four years after work began, the river was routed through the spill-way, forming a 134-square-mile lake.
  15. In 1943, the first powerhouse was finished and began providing electrical power for all of Montana.

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