Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Kalimat Sederhana dan Majemuk
Kalimat sederhana (simple) dan majemuk (compound) jadi pokok bahasan dalam sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris kali ini. Sebelumnya kita telah belajar tentang klausa, yakni klausa independen dan dependen sebagai blok pembangun kalimat.
Kalimat adalah sekelompok kata yang Anda gunakan untuk mengkomunikasikan gagasan-gagasan Anda. Setiap kalimat dibentuk dari satu atau lebih klausa dan mengungkapkan pikiran yang lengkap.
Secara mendasar ada 4 jenis kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris: sederhana (simple), majemuk (compound), kompleks (complex), dan majemuk-kompleks (compound-complex). Jenis kalimat ini ditentukan oleh jenis klausa yang digunakan untuk membentuknya.
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Video ini diharapkan bisa memperkaya materi tulisan ini. Semoga!
Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Kalimat Sederhana:
Kalimat Sederhana. Kalimat sederhana adalah satu klausa independen. Contoh:
I enjoy playing tennis with my friends every weekend.
I enjoy playing tennis and look forward to it every weekend.
My friends and I play tennis and go bowling every weekend.
Perhatikan bahwa kalimat kedua memiliki dua verba, enjoy dan look forward to. Ini disebut verba majemuk. Karena hanya ada satu klausa, ini adalah kalimat sederhana. Kalimat ketiga mempunyai subyek majemuk juga verba majemuk, tetapi ini masih merupakan kalimat sederhana karena ia hanya memiliki satu klausa.
Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Kalimat Majemuk:
Kalimat Majemuk. Kalimat majemuk adalah dua atau lebih klausa independen yang digabung menjadi satu. Ada tiga cara untuk menggabung klausa-klausa ini:
1. Dengan Coordinator (FAN BOYS)
I enjoy tennis, but I hate golf.
2. Dengan Conjunctive Adverb
I enjoy tennis; however, I hate golf.
3. Dengan Semicolon (;)
I enjoy tennis; I hate golf.
Marilah kita belajar masing-masing tipe kalimat majemuk secara lebih rinci.
Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Kalimat Majemuk dengan Koordinator:
1. Compound Sentences with Coordinators
Kalimat majemuk dapat dibentuk sebagai berikut:
independent clause, + coordinator + independent clause
Perhatikan bahwa ada koma setelah klausa independen pertama. Kalimat berikut menggambarkan makna dari 7 kordinator "FAN BOYS."
Women live longer than men, for they take better care of their health.
(The second clause gives the reason for the first clause.)
Women follow more healthful diets, and they go to doctors more often.
(The two clauses express equal, similar ideas.)
Women don't smoke as much as men do, nor do they drink as much alcohol. (Nor means "and not." It joins two negative independent clauses. Notice that question word order is used after nor.)
Men may exercise harder, but they may not exercise as regularly as women do.
(The two clauses express equal, contrasting ideas.)
Both men and women should limit the amount of fat in their diets, or they risk getting heart disease.
(The two clauses express alternative possibilities.)
Women used to be known as the "weaker sex," yet in some ways, they are stronger than men.
(The second clause is a surprising or unexpected contrast to the first clause.)
Men are less cautious than women, so more men die in accidents.
(The second clause is the result of the first clause.)
Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang latihan:
PRACTICE: Compound Sentence with Coordinators
A. Add another independent clause to the following independent clauses to form compound sentences. Be sure to write a complete clause containing a subject and a verb. Circle the coordinator and add punctuation.
The college campus is located in the center of the city, so it is very easy to do my shopping.
so in circle
- Students can attend day classes and _______________________________________________
- Students can live in dormitories but ________________________________________________
- I have finished my math homework but _____________________________________________
- I have studied English for six years yet _____________________________________________
- My adviser suggested a word processing class for ____________________________________
- Some students do not like to write term paper nor _____________________________________
- The instructor gave us eight weeks to write our term paper yet _________________________________________________
- Most students had not even chosen a topic nor _______________________________________
- The instructor was very upset for __________________________________________________
- My roommate scored very high on the English placement test so ___________________________________________________
Nuclear accidents can happen. Nuclear power plants must have strict safety controls.
Nuclear accidents can happen, so nuclear power plants must have strict safety controls.
- The accident at the nuclear power plant at Three Mile Island in the United States created fears about the safety of this energy source. The disaster at Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union confirmed them.
- Solar heating systems are economical to operate. The cost of installation is very high.
- Energy needs are not going to decrease. Energy sources are not going to decrease. (Use nor and question word order in the second clause, deleting the word not.)
- Burning fossil fuels causes serious damage to our planet. We need to develop other sources of energy.
- Ecologists know that burning fossil fuels causes holes in the ozone layer. People continue to do it.
- Poorer nations especially will continue this harmful practice. They don't have the money to develop "clean" energy sources.
- All nations of the world must take action. Our children and grandchildren will suffer the consequences.
Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Kalimat Majemuk dengan Conjunctive Adverb:
2. Compound Sentences with Conjunctive Adverbs
Kalimat majemuk dapat juga dibentuk sebagai berikut:
independent clause; + conjunctive adverb, + independent clause
ADVERB: besides
Community college offer preparation for many occupations; moreover, they prepare students to transfer to a four year college or university.
ADVERB: however
Many community colleges do not have dormitories; however, they provide housing referral services.
ADVERB: otherwise
Students must take final exams; otherwise, they will receive a grade of incomplete.
ADVERB: accordingly
Native and nonnative English speakers have different needs; therefore, most schools provide separate English classes for each group.
Jadi hubungan antara coordinator dan conjunctive adverb dapat ditulis dengan cara lain:
coordinator bisa diganti dengan conjunctive adverb
and => (besides, furthermore, moreover, also)
but, yet => (however, nevertheless, nonetheless)
or => otherwise
so => (accordingly, consequently, hence, therefore, thus)
Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang latihan:
PRACTICE: Compound Sentences with Conjunctive Adverbs
A. Add another independent clause to each independent clause that follows to form compound sentences.Be sure to add a complete clause containing a subject and a verb. Circle the conjunctive adverb and add punctuation. Notice that some of these sentences are from earlier practice.
The college campus is located in the center of the city; therefore, it is very easy to do my shopping.
therefore in circle
- Students can attend day classes moreover ___________________________________________
- Students can live in dormitories otherwise ___________________________________________
- I have finished my math homework however _________________________________________
- I have studied English for six years nevertheless ________________________________________
- The instructor gave us eight weeks to write our term papers nontheless ________________________________________________________
- My roommate scored very high on the English placement test consequently ____________________________________________________________
B. On a separate sheet of paper, combine the pairs of the following sentences, using conjunctive adverbs instead of coordinators. Punctuate your new sentences correctly.
Nuclear accidents can happen. Nuclear power plants should have strict safety controls.
Nuclear accidents can happen; therefore, nuclear power plants should have strict safety controls.
- Solar heating systems are economical to operate. The cost of installation is very high.
- Burning fossil fuels causes serious damage to our planet. We need to develop other sources of energy.
- Ecologists know that burning fossil fuels causes holes in the ozone layer. People continue to do it.
- All nations of the world must take action. Our children and grandchildren will suffer the consequences.
C. On a separate sheet of paper, write four compound sentences, using each of these conjunctive adverbs once: furthermore, however, therefore, and otherwise. Remember, furthermore = and; however = but, yet; therefore = so; and otherwise = or
Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Kalimat Majemuk dengan Semikolon:
3. Compound Sentences with Semicolons
Kalimat majemuk dapat juga dibentuk hanya dengan semikolon:
independent clause; independent clause
My older brother studies law; my younger brother studies medicine.
Poland was the first Eastern European Country to turn away from communisme; others soon followed.
Jenis kalimat majemuk ini mungkin, hanya ketika dua klausa independen terkait secara dekat dalam makna. Jika keduanya tidak terkait secara dekat, keduanya seharusnya ditulis sebagai dua kalimat sederhana, masing-masing berakhir dengan titik.
Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang latihan:
PRACTICE: Compound Sentences with Semicolons
A. Place a semicolon between the two independent clauses in the following compound sentences.
- The American way of life apparently does not foster marital happiness half of all American marriages end in divorce.
- Motherhood causes some women to quit their jobs others continue working despite having young children to care for.
- Three hundred guests attended his wedding two attended his funeral.
PRACTICE: Combining Simple Sentences
B. Use what you have learned about forming compound sentences to improve the following mini-essay, which contains many short, simple sentences. Combine sentences wherever possible. Try to use each of the three methods at least once. There is not just one correct way to combine the sentences; there are many possible ways.
1A robot is a mechanical device that can perform boring, dangerous, and difficult tasks. 2First of all, robots can perform repetitive tasks without becoming tired or bored. 3They are used in automobile factories to weld and paint. 4Robots can also function in hostile environments. 5They are useful for exploring the ocean bottom as well as deep outer space. 6Finally, robots can perform tasks requiring pinpoint accuracy. 7In the operating room, robotic equipment can assist the surgeon. 8For instance, a robot can kill a brain tumor. 9It can operate on a fetus with great precision.
10The field of artificial intelligence is giving robots a limited ability to think and to make decisions. 11However, robots cannot think conceptually. 12Robots cannot function independently. 13Humans have to program them. 14They are useless. (Use otherwise to combine sentences 13 and 14.) 15Therefore, humans should not worry that robots will take over the world--at least not yet.
Writing Technique Questions
1. What is the main idea of each paragraph? What sentences state the main idea?
2. What method of organization is used to develop the first paragraph?
Model answer
Kalimat 3 dan 4 digabung dengan menggunakan conjunctive adverb besides:
Besides they are used in automobile factories to weld and paint, robots can also function in hostile environments.
Kalimat 7, 8, dan 9 digabung dengan semicolon:
In the operating room, robotic equipment can assist the surgeon; for instance, a robot can kill a brain tumor; it can operate on a fetus with great precision.
Kalimat 11 dan 12 digabung dengan koordinator and:
However, robots cannot think conceptually and they cannot function independently.
Kalimat 13 dan 14 digabung dengan conjunctive adverb otherwise:
Humans have to program them; otherwise, they are useless.
Berikut mini-assay yang sudah diedit:
A robot is a mechanical device that can perform boring, dangerous, and difficult tasks. First of all, robots can perform repetitive tasks without becoming tired or bored. Besides they are used in automobile factories to weld and paint, robots can also function in hostile environments. They are useful for exploring the ocean bottom as well as deep outer space. Finally, robots can perform tasks requiring pinpoint accuracy. In the operating room, robotic equipment can assist the surgeon; for instance, a robot can kill a brain tumor and it can operate on a fetus with great precision.
The field of artificial intelligence is giving robots a limited ability to think and to make decisions. However, robots cannot think conceptually and they cannot function independently. Humans have to program them; otherwise, they are useless. Therefore, humans should not worry that robots will take over the world--at least not yet.
Baca juga tulisan dengan judul Conjunctive Adverb Bukan Conjunction.
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