Sabtu, 02 April 2016

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Cara Cepat Belajar That-Clauses Bahasa Inggris

Cara Cepat Belajar That-Clauses Bahasa Inggris

cara cepat belajar that-clauses dalam bahasa inggris, belajar bahasa inggris tentang cara cepat memahami that-clauses, belajar bahasa inggris perihal cara cepat memahami that-cluase, belajar bahasa inggris seputar cara cepat memahami that-clauses, belajar bahasa inggris membahas cara cepat memahami that-clauses, belajar bahasa inggris mengulas cara cepat memahami that-clauses, belajar bahasa inggris mengupas cara cepat memahami that-clauses

Kita tahu bahwa klausa nomina termasuk klausa dependen maka dari itu ia harus ditempelkan ke klausa independen untuk membentuk kalimat kompleks. Klausa nomina yang digunakan sebagai obyek didahului oleh klausa independen yang disebut klausa introduktori. Klausa nomina adalah obyek dari verba klausa introduktori, yang berupa verba penuturan (say, tell, report) atau aktivitas mental (know, believe, wonder).

Sudah diperkenalkan sebelumnya bahwa klausa nomina ada tiga jenisnya, yakni that-clauses, wh-word-clauses, dan if/whether-clauses. Masing-masing jenis memiliki karakteristik tersendiri dan pada kesempatan belajar Bahasa Inggris kali ini kita akan mengulas khusus tentang that-clauses.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang That-Clauses

That-Clauses. Klausa that dibangun dari pernyataan dan diperkenalkan oleh subordinator that. Kata that sering dihilangkan jika maknanya jelas tanpanya (that). Klausa that terdiri atas:

                                              that + subject + verb + complement

. . . that the language center of the brain differs in each person
. . . that different aspects of language, such as nouns and verbs are processed in different area of the brain

Berikut contoh kalimat kompleks yang mengandung klausa introduktori independen dan klausa that dependen.

I think                                          that the study of the brain is fascinating.
The professor explained         that the brain is the master control for both mind and body.

Verba berikut digunakan dalam klausa introduktori yang diikuti oleh klausa that. Mereka dikelompokkan sesuai dengan apakah mereka boleh mengambil obyek tak langsung.


No indirect  Indirect object optional: to
object  required with indirect object
agree  admit
answer  explain
assert  mention
conclude  point out
know  prove
notice  reply

Indirect object required  Indirect object optional
assure  promise
convince  show
inform  teach
notify  warn
remind  write

Verba dalam grup I tidak mengambil obyek tak langsung (IO).
     We know that women have higher verbal IQs than men.

Verba dalam grup II boleh atau tidak boleh mengambil obyek tak langsung. Bagaimanapun, jika obyek tak langsung (IO) digunakan, to harus mendahuluinya.
     The defense attorney proved (to the jury) that his client was not guilty.

Verba dalam grup III harus diikuti oleh obyek tak langsung.
     The doctor assured the worried parents that their child would recover.

Verba dalam grup IV boleh atau tidak boleh diikuti oleh obyek tak langsung.
    He promised (them) that they could see their child immediately after the operation.

Dalam tulisan akademik, khususnya dalam tulisan ilmiah, verba klausa introduktori sering ditulis dalam bentuk pasif dengan subyek netral it.
     It was agreed/stated that . . .
     It has been asserted/proven that . . .

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Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang latihan That-Clauses

PRACTICE: That-Clauses
A. Complete the introductory clauses in the following sentences by adding a verb from the table and the subordinator that. Use a different verb in each sentence, and use passive voice verbs in sentences 4, 5, and 6.
Researchers know that    men's and women's brains are different.
It has been proven that  men's and women's brains are different.

1. Experts ________________ women learn languages more easily than men do.
2. They __________________ a certain area of the brain control language.
3. A recent study _____________ women have more brain cells in the language area than men do.
4. In the report, it _____________ women are not more intelligent than men just because they have more cells in the brain's language area.
5. It ________________ men and women have different abilities involving spatial tasks; for example, men can read maps more easily, but women can remember the location of objects better.
6. It ________________ men are, in general, better at math and reasoning than women.

spacial: concerning space

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Subjunctive Noun Clauses

Subjunctive Noun Clauses. Setelah verba dan adjektiva tertentu dalam klausa introduktori, verba dalam klausa that dalam bentuk sederhana atau dasar, yang disebut subjunctive. Verba dan adjektiva ini mengindikasikan keadaan mendesak (urgency), kepantasan (advisability), keperluan (necessity), dan sifat yang disukai (desirability). Verba dan adjektiva yang mengharuskan bentuk subjunctive dalam klausa that meliputi:

advise  advisable
ask  essential
command  necessary
demand  important
direct  urgent
insist  vital

     The company president urged that the marketing department be more aggressive.
     She insisted that the company not lose any more customers to its competiters.
     It is necessary that each salesperson work longer hours.

Bentuk subjenctive juga terjadi ketika verba klausa introduktori dalam bentuk pasif:
     It was recommended that the department not hire new staff at this time.


Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang latihan Subjunctive Noun Clauses

PRACTICE: Subjunctive Noun Clauses
A. Background information: A three-year drought has caused a serious water shortage in the fictitious country of Sunnyland. As a result, Sunnyland's government is proposing restrictions on water use.

Write complex sentences containing subjunctive noun clauses.

STEP 1  Rewrite the question in each item as an introductory clause.
STEP 2  Rewrite the statement as a subjunctive noun clause.
STEP 3  Combine the two clauses to make a new sentence.

What did the government order?
Citizens must decrease their water use; they should not waste water.
The government ordered that citizens decrease their water use and that they not waste water.

1. What did the government demand?
   Each family must reduce its water use by 40 percent.
2. What is necessary?
   All citizens must comply with the new restrictions.
3. What did the government propose for city-dwellers?
   Everyone must take five-minute showers.
4. What is advisable?
   People should conserve water whenever possible.
5. What has been demanded of farmers?
   Farmers should cut their water use by 25 percent.
6. What was suggested?
   Every farmer should install a drip irrigation system.
7. What did the government urge?
   People must not use water to wash cars, sidewalks, or streets

fictitious: not real
comply with: obey

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang klausa nomina jenis that-clauses telah kita ulas bersama. Apakah ulasannya cukup mencerahkan? Apakah kemampuan dan pengetahuan Bahasa Inggris Anda bertambah? Kami berharap demikian. Setelah membaca artikel belajar Bahasa Inggris ini semoga Anda menjadi pembelajar Bahasa Inggris yang cakap menggunakan klausa nomina jenis that-clauses agar tulisan Anda tergolong tulisan yang canggih. Amin.

Sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan ulasan klausa nomina jenis that-clauses kita sudahi sampai di sini dulu. Ojo lali menyimak ulasan belajar Bahasa Inggris berikutnya. Tetap semangat! Keep moving on!

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