Rabu, 16 Januari 2019

Published 14.11 by with 0 comment

Membetulkan Paragraf Bahasa Inggris 1

Menemukan dan Membetulkan Kesalahan dalam Paragraf


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Paragraf Bahasa Inggris 1

1According the passage, there no should be mandatory retirement age. 2The author say that this practice takes valuable worker from the work force. 3Older worker has the most experience and making them to retire wastes theirs talent. 4Further more, the author tells that studies show that older worker can to do most jobs as well younger worker. 5I know this is true because my uncle was manager of a railroad station, but he have to retire at age of 65 because of the company policy. 6The lecture, however, say that if older worker stay on job, then no possible for young worker to get promotion or more responsible. 7Also say that, despite there are exceptions, many young workers have qualities that employer need, such as concentration, memmory, and energize.

Untuk melengkapi postingan tentang analisis kalimat: kunjungi alamat ini

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Kalimat 1: According the passage, there no should be mandatory retirement age.

According the passage seharusnya According to the passage (konstruksi idiomatik)
there no should be mandatory retirement age seharusnya there should not be a mandatory retirement age (tatanan kata terbalik dan diperlukan artikel)

Kalimat 2: The author say that this practice takes valuable worker from the work force.

The author say seharusnya The author says . . . (verbanya tidak berkesesuian dengan subyek)

Kalimat 3: Older worker has the most experience and making them to retire wastes theirs talent.

theirs talent seharusnya  their talent. (posesif tanpa ‘s’)

Kalimat 4: Further more, the author tells that studies show that older worker can to do most jobs as well younger worker.

Further more seharusnya Furthermore (cara penulisan kata)
worker can to do seharusnya worker can do (berlebihan kata)
as well younger worker seharusnya  as well as younger worker. (as well as berarti ALSO)

Kalimat 5: I know this is true because my uncle was manager of a railroad station, but he have to retire at age of 65 because of the company policy.

my uncle was manager of a railroad station seharusnya my uncle is a manager of a railroad station (diperlukan bentuk present)
but he have to retire seharusnya but he has to retire (antara subyek dan verba tak berkesesuaian)

Kalimat 6: The lecture, however, say that if older worker stay on job, then no possible for young worker to get promotion or more responsible.

The lecture, however, say seharusnya The lecture, however, says (antara subyek dan verba tak berkesesuaian)
if older worker stay on job seharusnya if older worker stays on job (antara subyek dan verba tak berkesesuaian)
then no possible seharusnya then no possibility (salah pilihan kata)
more responsible seharusnya more responsibility (salah pilihan kata)

Kalimat 7: Also say that, despite there are exceptions, many young workers have qualities that employer need, such as concentration, memmory, and energize

Also say that seharusnya Also said that (diperlukan bentuk pasif)
employer need seharusnya employer needs (antara subyek dan verba tak berkesesuaian)
memmory seharusnya memory (salah bentuk kata- noun parallelism)
energize seharusnya energy (diperlukan bentuk nomina-noun parallelism)

Berikut paragraf yang sudah dibetulkan

Paragraf Bahasa Inggris 1

1According to the passage, there should not be a mandatory retirement age. 2The author says that this practice takes valuable worker from the work force. 3Older worker has the most experience and making them to retire wastes their talent. 4Furthermore, the author tells that studies show that older worker can do most jobs as well as younger worker. 5I know this is true because my uncle is a manager of a railroad station, but he has to retire at age of 65 because of the company policy. 6The lecture, however, says that if older worker stays on job, then no possibility for young worker to get promotion or more responsibility. 7Also said that, despite there are exceptions, many young workers have qualities that employer needs, such as concentration, memory, and energy.

Untuk melengkapi postingan tentang konstruksi paralel: kunjungi alamat ini

Video tentang Konstruksi Paralel 

 Happy reading!


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