Sumber: tense
Present Tense yang Bukan Present, Present Continuous Tense yang Real Present
Belajar Bahasa Inggris kali ini membahas tentang Present Tense yang nyatanya bukan present dan Present Continuous Tense yang real atau benar-benar present. Pembahasan kita mulai dari Simple Present Tense dan kemudian kita lanjutkan ke pembahasan Present Continuous Tense (atau sering disebut Present Progressive Tense).
"The simple present tense, which occurs in spoken English far less frequently than the present continuous tense, describes action which is permanent or habitual."
Present tense. Present tense adalah bentuk present dari verba. Meskipun namanya, bentuk present tense verba tidak sesungguhnya bermakna present tense. Faktanya, sebagian besar verba tindakan nyatanya terdengar agak janggal ketika digunakan dalam present tense, contohnya:
? I walk now.
? I run now.
Jika kita ingin berbicara tentang sesuatu yang terjadi pada momen sekarang, kita tidak menggunakan present tense sama sekali; sebagai penggantinya, kita menggunakan apa yang disebut bentuk sedang atau progressive.
I am walking now.
I am running now.
Ada dua penggunaan utama present tense: (1) untuk membuat pernyataan tentang fakta dan (2) untuk membuat generalisasi. Berikut beberapa contoh dari pernyataan tentang fakta dan generalisasi (verba present tense dicetak miring):
Statement of fact
Two plus two equals four.
Gold dissolves in mercury.
Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia.
Liver is disgusting.
Fast-food restaurants exploit their employees.
I shop at Giant Supermarket.
Perhatikan contoh terakhir, I shop at Giant Supermarket. Kita sering menggunakan present tense untuk generalisasi tentang tindakan kebiasaan. Ketika kita mengatakan, I shop at Giant Supermarket, ini tidak berarti bahwa saya dalam proses belanja pada Giant Supermarket pada momen ini. Ini berarti bahwa ini adalah kebiasaan saya belanja pada Giant Supermarket. Kalimat itu masih valid meskipun saya telah tidak melangkahkan kaki di dalam toko Giant Supermarket berminggu-minggu.
Keduanya baik pernyataan tentang fakta maupun generalisasi benar-benar tidak terpengaruh waktu. Pernyataan tentang fakta terdengar janggal jika pernyataan tentang fakta terikat dengan momen tententu. Contohnya, pernyataan
Two plus two is four now
membuatnya terdengar seolah-olah fakta ini hanya temporer--besok, two plus two mungkin sesuatu yang lain. Bahkan pernyataan yang secara umum tidak benar adalah masih benar bagi periode waktu tidak tertentu. Contohnya, pernyataan
I hate liver.
menyiratkan bahwa pernyataan ini valid bagi masa akan datang yang dapat diketahui dari sekarang.
Satu konsekuensi dari fakta bahwa Bahasa Inggris menyediakan penggunaan present tense bagi pernyataan tentang fakta dan generalisasi yang tidak terikat waku adalah bahwa tulisan teknik dan ilmiah, yang terutama peduli dengan pernyataan tentang fakta dan generalisasi, normalnya ditulis dalam present tense.
Sumber: continuous tense
"The present continuous tense, or real present, describes action which is occurring now (at the moment of speaking)."
Present Continuous Tense. Istilah progressive (bentuk sedang) atau Present Continuous Tense digunakan untuk menerangkan seperangkat konstruksi verba yang berdiri terpisah dari sistem enam tenses (present, past, dan future dan present perfect, past perfect, dan future perfect). Istilah ini dengan tepat menerangkan karakteristik utama dari konstruksi progresif. Kita menggunakan progressive untuk menekankan bahwa tindakan dari verba tersebut sedang berlangsung pada momen waktu tertentu. Ada tiga jenis progressive: present progressive, past progressive, dan future progressive. Semua ketiga progressive ini dibangun dalam cara yang sama: bentuk kata kerja bantu be diikuti oleh sebuah verba dalam bentuk present participle. Sekarang kita akan menguji masing-masing dari ketiganya bergantian.
Present Progressive
Present progressive dibentuk oleh bentuk present tense verba be yang diikuti oleh sebuah verba dalam bentuk present participle:
present progressive = am/are/is + present participle
Berikut beberapa contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan present progressive (kata kerja bantu dicetak miring, present participle dicetak tebal):
I am working on it even as we speak.
We are waiting to hear from the boss.
It's raining like anything.
Kita menggunakan present progressive ketika kita ingin menekankan bahwa beberapa tindakan sedang berlangsung pada momen sekarang.
Past Progressive
Past progressive dibentuk oleh bentuk past tense verba be yang diikuti oleh sebuah verba dalam bentuk present participle:
past progressive = was/were + present participle
Berikut beberapa contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan past
progressive (kata kerja bantu dicetak miring, present participle dicetak
I was working on it when you called.
We were waiting to hear from the boss.
Kita menggunakan past progressive ketika kita ingin menekankan bahwa
beberapa tindakan sedang berlangsung pada momen atau periode waktu lampau.
Future Progressive
Future progressive dibentuk oleh bentuk future tense be yang diikuti oleh sebuah verba dalam bentuk present participle:
future progressive = will be + present participle
Berikut beberapa contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan future
progressive (kata kerja bantu dicetak miring, present participle dicetak
I will be working on it all next week.
It will be raining by the time we get there.
Kita menggunakan future progressive ketika kita ingin menekankan bahwa
beberapa tindakan akan sedang berlangsung pada beberapa momen atau periode di masa akan datang.
Berikut daftar verba yang TIDAK dapat berbentuk progresif:
(a) I know your cousin.
(b) INCORRECT: I am knowing your cousin.
Beberapa verba, seperti know, adalah non-progressive. Artinya mereka jarang sekali digunakan dalam progressive tenses. Mereka menerangkan keadaan, tidak tindakan. ("States" adalah kondisi atau situasi yang eksis.)
know like dislike belong consist of hear agree
believe appreciate fear possess contain sound disagree
doubt care about hate own mean
recognize please mind exist seem promise
remember prefer disire matter look like amaze
suppose need resemble suprise
understand want
(c) I think that your cousin is very nice.
(d) I'm thinking about my trip to Rome.
Beberapa verba, seperti think, memiliki makna baik non-progressive maupun progressive.
Pada contoh (c): think berarti "believe."
Dalam contoh (d): am thinking berarti "thoughts are going around in my mind right now."
Berikut verba yang umum dengan makna baik Non-Progressive maupun Progressive
look It looks cold outside. Olga is looking out the window.
appear Jack appears to be tired today. She's appearing on a TV show today.
think I think that Mr. Liu is a good teacher. I'm thinking about my family right now.
feel I feel that Mr. Liu is a good teacher. I'm feeling a little tired today.
have I have a bicycle. I'm having a good time.
see Do you see that bird? The doctor is seeing a patient right now.
taste The soup testes salty. The chef is tasting the soup.
smell Something smells bad. What is it? Ann is smelling the perfume to see if she wants to buy it.
love Ken loves his baby daughter. Ken is enjoying parenthood. I fact, he's loving it!
be Mary is old and wise. Al is ill but won't see a doctor. He is being foolish.
Verba Non-Progressive juga disebut "stative verbs" atau verba non-action.
Berikut disertakan beberapa contoh kalimat bahasa Inggris yang salah.
INCORRECT I see that you wear your new coat today.
look It looks cold outside. Olga is looking out the window.
appear Jack appears to be tired today. She's appearing on a TV show today.
think I think that Mr. Liu is a good teacher. I'm thinking about my family right now.
feel I feel that Mr. Liu is a good teacher. I'm feeling a little tired today.
have I have a bicycle. I'm having a good time.
see Do you see that bird? The doctor is seeing a patient right now.
taste The soup testes salty. The chef is tasting the soup.
smell Something smells bad. What is it? Ann is smelling the perfume to see if she wants to buy it.
love Ken loves his baby daughter. Ken is enjoying parenthood. I fact, he's loving it!
be Mary is old and wise. Al is ill but won't see a doctor. He is being foolish.
Verba Non-Progressive juga disebut "stative verbs" atau verba non-action.
Berikut disertakan beberapa contoh kalimat bahasa Inggris yang salah.
INCORRECT I see that you wear your new coat today.
CORRECT I see that you are wearing your new coat today.
INCORRECT The sun is giving us light.
INCORRECT The sun is giving us light.
CORRECT The sun gives us light.
INCORRECT He sleeps because he worked very hard this morning.
CORRECT He is sleeping because he worked very hard this morning.
INCORRECT When I go to work, I generally am meeting many school children.
CORRECT When I go to work, I generally meet many school children.
INCORRECT I listen, but I cannot hear a sound.
CORRECT I am listening, but I cannot hear a sound.
INCORRECT He needs to wear warm clothes today because it freezes.
CORRECT He needs to wear warm clothes today because it is freezing.
INCORRECT How often are you studying in the library?
CORRECT How often do you study in the library?
INCORRECT That man who talks to the policeman just got a ticket.
CORRECT That man who is talking to the policeman just got a ticket.
INCORRECT Look! That woman runs to catch the bus.
CORRECT Look! That woman is running to catch the bus.
INCORRECT They are sitting in class everyday for several hours.
CORRECT They sit in class everyday for several hours.
INCORRECT When the student wants to ask a question, he is raising his hand.
CORRECT When the student wants to ask a question, he raises his hand.
INCORRECT Why do you wash your car this morning?
CORRECT Why are you washing your car this morning?
INCORRECT Bad students usually are not working hard.
CORRECT Bad students usually do not work hard.
INCORRECT I almost always think in English, but today I think in my native language.
CORRECT I almost always think in English, but today I am thinking in my native language.
INCORRECT He sleeps because he worked very hard this morning.
CORRECT He is sleeping because he worked very hard this morning.
INCORRECT When I go to work, I generally am meeting many school children.
CORRECT When I go to work, I generally meet many school children.
INCORRECT I listen, but I cannot hear a sound.
CORRECT I am listening, but I cannot hear a sound.
INCORRECT He needs to wear warm clothes today because it freezes.
CORRECT He needs to wear warm clothes today because it is freezing.
INCORRECT How often are you studying in the library?
CORRECT How often do you study in the library?
INCORRECT That man who talks to the policeman just got a ticket.
CORRECT That man who is talking to the policeman just got a ticket.
INCORRECT Look! That woman runs to catch the bus.
CORRECT Look! That woman is running to catch the bus.
INCORRECT They are sitting in class everyday for several hours.
CORRECT They sit in class everyday for several hours.
INCORRECT When the student wants to ask a question, he is raising his hand.
CORRECT When the student wants to ask a question, he raises his hand.
INCORRECT Why do you wash your car this morning?
CORRECT Why are you washing your car this morning?
INCORRECT Bad students usually are not working hard.
CORRECT Bad students usually do not work hard.
INCORRECT I almost always think in English, but today I think in my native language.
CORRECT I almost always think in English, but today I am thinking in my native language.
Demikianlah belajar Bahasa Inggris yang mengangkat tema Present Tense dan Present Continuous Tense. Dari namanya Present Tense, tetapi nyatanya bukan present sedangkan yang real present adalah Present Continuous Tense.
Artikel Bahasa Inggris yang enak dibaca dan perlu. Cara belajar Bahasa Inggris yang simpel, mudah dimengerti dan dipraktikkan. Ulasan grammar Bahasa Inggris yang lengkap, mendalam, dan lugas. Tetap semangat! Keep moving on!
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